Your Future
Did you answer yes to any of these questions? Do you like helping others? Do you like working with young children? Are you interested in Nutrition? Do you stay up to date on the latest trends in Fashion? Do you watch HGTV or design shows? Are you interested in Culinary Arts? Is your favorite class a Family and Consumer Sciences class? Do you like FCCLA? Going through each of the questions, ask students to stand if that statement applies to them, find someone else in the room who is standing and give them a high-5, before quickly returning to their seat.
All of the questions have one thing in common…. They describe the job of a Family and Consumer Sciences teacher.
What is Family and Consumer Sciences As a Family and Consumer Sciences teacher you can make a lifelong impact on young people through education that provides students the opportunity to explore and prepare for careers in culinary, nutrition, dietetics, education, early childhood, fashion design, interior design, textiles, tourism and hospitality, food science, social services and many human services related careers.
Mission Nebraska Family and Consumer Sciences integrates family and career readiness with technical skill instruction within a critical science perspective. As a result, our students are empowered to navigate the challenges of living and working in diverse communities, while striving for a high quality of life. Tagline Creating healthy individuals and sustainable families Remind the students what class they are in and go through each of the following questions with them. (these are lots of words; students may not understand how they all fit together; huge teaching opportunity) In this class alone how am I helping you with: Family readiness? Career readiness? Helping you think critically? Meeting the challenge of living and working with others? Helping you reach a high quality of life now and in the future? Emphasize that you do this in every class and in every lesson that you teach.
If I choose FACS, can I get a job? Family and Consumer Sciences is experiencing a shortage of candidates for the jobs available According to a study published in 2013 by Dr. Carol Werhan, half of all states have an issue hiring adequate numbers of qualified FACS teachers. Family and Consumer Sciences is listed consistently on the shortage listing from the US Department of Education. Placement is above 99% in Nebraska for candidates. Each year, Nebraska has over 15 openings throughout all corners of the state. It is projected that in the next 5 years, Nebraska will have a shortage of 20 teachers in Family and Consumer Sciences every year. According to the article, “10 Best Degrees For Finding A Job,” by Andrea Argueta Family and Consumer Sciences degrees rank in the top 10 best degrees for finding a job.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Wayne State College Where can I go to school? University of Nebraska-Lincoln Wayne State College Chadron State College
Scholarships for FACS Education majors are offered through: How do I pay for it? Scholarships for FACS Education majors are offered through: Nebraska FCCLA Variety of professional organizations Colleges/universities in the state Due to the shortage, you may also be eligible for federal loan forgiveness up to $17,500 depending on your loan type and school
Allison Kreifels FACS Career Field Specialist/FCCLA State Adviser Who can I contact? Allison Kreifels FACS Career Field Specialist/FCCLA State Adviser Nebraska Department of Education
Carol Erwin, CFCS, M. Ed. Wayne State College (402) 375-7287 Yvonne Moody Chadron State College 308-432-6368 Sheree M. Moser University of Nebraska-Lincoln 402-436-7996
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