My leaf specimens. By:Kalene Mod 3
Specimen #1 : Oak Scientific: The scientific name for my oak is the quercus palustris. Also used for house hold uses like tables cabinet. Common Names: The common name for my oak is the pin oak. Squirrels use the acorns to eat and they bury them in the ground for the upcoming winter.
Oak: I believe that my leaf for the oak is the pin oak.I believe this because in the book trees of Pennsylvania (p.g.167) it states that the pin oak’s leaves are shiny green and each end is ended with a point.Another reason i believe this is because it also states that the bark is dark brown, i looked on the tree to see if it was dark brown and i saw it was.Also the fruit was a acorn turning brown when fully developed. Oak bark- Oak leafs-
Specimen #2: Maple Common name:My common name for my maple is black maple. Is used for maple syrup. Scientific name: My scientific name for my maple is acer nigrum. Like oak, the wood is also good for furniture such as cabinets.
Maple: I believe that This Maple is a black maple. I belive this because in the book trees of Pennsylvania (p.g.147)it shows a picture and states that it is dark green (in the summer/spring) and yellow below, and leaves are droopy.Also it states that the fruit is a samara and turns tan in fall.The bark on my tree is a gray color, in the book I used it says the bark is light gray and it is smooth.As I was looking around the tree I saw the samaras were a tan color. Maple leaves- Maple bark-
Specimen #3: coniferous Common name:My conifers common name is Colorado spruce Used for a Christmas tree. Scientific name: My conifers scientific name is picea pungens Also used for decoration.
Conifers: I belive that my conifer is the Colorado spruce.I believe this because in the book trees of Pennsylvania (p.g.11) it states that the needles are a bluish green.Also it says it has a point on the tip of the needle, and that describes my needle perfectly.Also I noticed that the bark was grayish brown and in the book it states it is grayish brown.This pine has a cone but I could not find any cones at this time of year. Oak bark and needles-
Vocab: Samara- A winged nut or achene containing one seed - Develop- advanced to a specific degree
References: Trees of Pennsylvania : field guide, 2004.