Chapter 9 – Inequities of Race and Ethnicity
Minority - A group of people with physical or cultural traits different from those of the dominant group in society.
Characteristics of a minority: 1. Distinctive physically or culturally which can be used to separate it from majority. 2. Minority is dominated by the majority.
3. Minority traits are often believed by the majority to be inferior. 4. Members of minority have common sense of identity with strong group loyalty.
5. The majority determines who belongs to the minority through ascribed status.
Race - People sharing certain inherited physical characteristics that are considered important within a society.
Ethnicity - Group identified by cultural, religious, or national characteristics.
Ethnocentric - ???
Assimilation – The blending or fusing of minority groups into the dominant society.
Patterns of Assimilation - 1. Anglo-conformity – Minority is accepted if they conform to the accepted standard. 2. melting pot – all ethnic and racial minorities voluntarily blend together.
3. Cultural Pluralism – “Tossed Salad” – Desire of the minority group to maintain some identity separate from the dominant group.
4. Accommodation - Extreme cultural pluralism Amish Cubans in Miami
Patterns of Conflict - 1. Genocide – Most extreme – effort to destroy an entire population 2. Population Transfer – Minority forced to move to remote location or out of country
3. Subjugation – Minority is denied equal access to benefits of society. A. “De Jure” – based on Law B. “De Facto” – based on everyday practice
Prejudice - Widely held negative attitudes toward a group (majority or minority) and its individual members.
Racism - Extreme form of Prejudice. Assumes superiority of one group over another.
Discrimination - Treating people differently based on ethnicity, race, religion, and culture.
Criminal Acts motivated by prejudice. Hate Crimes - Criminal Acts motivated by prejudice.
Stereotypes - A distorted, exaggerated, or over-simplified image applied to a whole category of people.