Baylor Scott & White Equitable Care Presentation December 1, 2016
What Is the Prosper Waco initiative? A collective impact initiative that focuses on bringing together cross-sector partners to identify and implement strategic efforts to measurably improve the education, health and financial security of people in the Waco community. I will make this slide more graphically pleasing
5 Elements of Collective Impact I will make this slide more graphically pleasing
Overall Education Goal The Greater Waco community will build an environment that promotes lifelong educational attainment for all residents beginning at birth. The successful outcome of our work will be a 15% increase in the number of area residents who complete a post-secondary degree or certificate that prepares them for a successful for a productive career and successful citizenship by 2020. I will make this slide more graphically pleasing
RWJF County Health Rankings – 2016 Overall Health Goal McLennan County will reach the top quartile (60th or better) of Texas Counties in Quality of Life—currently 187th – and Health Behaviors– currently 116th – in Robert Wood Johnson Foundation County Health Rankings by 2020. RWJF County Health Rankings – 2016 Quality of Life: 128th Health Behaviors: 199th
Overall Financial Security Goal At least 55% of Waco residents will live with income above 200% of the Federal Poverty Level ($48,600 for a family of four) by 2020.
Building A Culture Focused On Outcomes Training and support for non-profit organizations to understand how to manage to outcomes and how data can be used to drive decisions Facilitating collaborative data-driven approaches (e.g., School Readiness Initiative, Community Health Needs Assessment) Responsible for monitoring a wide range of community indicators related to education, health and financial security and making them accessible to the community
Barriers & Challenges in the Work Shifting mindsets Building capacity of organizations to understand the difference between outputs and outcomes Communication to all levels of community Productive networks
Examples of Initiative Efforts
Goal: Access to Care Increase percentage of people covered by health insurance by 1% per year Decrease percentage of people utilizing the ER as a source of primary care by 10%
Percentage of Uninsured Residents Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Survey (1-year Estimates), 2010 through 2014
McLennan County Community Health Worker Initiative Used CHNA, Public Health District, and hospital ED data to identify four high-need zip codes with 3 CHWs per zip code Partnership between Baylor Scott & White Hillcrest Medical Center, Providence Healthcare Network, Family Health Center and Waco-McLennan County Public Health District Funded by Episcopal Health Foundation grant of $586,735 over three years
Outcome Tracking of CHW Program Use pre- and post-surveys to measure change in knowledge and exit surveys to measure change in behavior Connectivity of CHW program with other public health interventions in Waco Hospital ED usage data by zip code Community Health Needs Assessment, which will be conducted again in 2019
Goal: College and Career Success Double the percentage of economically-disadvantaged students who complete a workforce certificate or college degree
Percentage of McLennan County Students Completing Higher Education Source: Texas Tribune, 8th Grade Cohort 11-year Study Reporting, 2004-2015
Project Link $1 million grant-funded program to increase college access and completion among students in high-need schools Four cohorts of 250 high school students at Waco HS, University HS, and La Vega HS Dedicated grant staff at high schools, MCC and TSTC Oversight committee coordinated by Prosper Waco includes superintendents of WISD and LVISD, VP for Student Success at MCC, provost of TSTC-Waco, and Rapoport Foundation ED
Outcome Tracking of Project Link Outcome measures: Student advising/support (97%) Graduation rate (99%) Financial aid application rate (99%) College application rate (100%) Local scholarship application rate (99%) College matriculation rate (73%) 2nd year college persistence rate (TBD) College degree/certificate completion rate (TBD)
Goal: Employment Increase employment of Waco-area residents ages 16-24 by 900 individuals
Waco-area Residents, Ages 16 to 24, Who Are Neither Employed Nor A Student Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (1-year Estimates), 2010 through 2014
Waco Foundational Employment Network Facilitated working group of job training/placement programs, staffing agencies, and employers Focused on creating a seamless pipeline of services for employment training, preparation, placement, and support Collects data on job placements, wages, and retention Currently pursuing funding to create sustainable infrastructure for continued collaboration
Outcome Tracking of WFEN