Christ the King Special Meeting Building & Renovation Sunday, June 4, 2017
Welcome & Prayer
Overview of how we got Here - Sam Statz
Recommendation – Proposal for Preserving our Past, Building Our Future Summer/Fall 2017 Finish Parking Lot (August) $80,000-$90,000 Update Sanctuary Sound System Install Projector & Projection Screens Install Hearing Loop System Update Narthex Area with Speakers & Projection Monitors (Approximate cost $130,000-$140,000)
Recommendation – Proposal for Preserving our past, building our future Summer 2018 /2019 Renovate & Expand Narthex Area Enclose Courtyard Area with A Roof Congregation Sweat Equity to do most of the demo/cleanup work Sweat Equity can save 15-20% of overall project cost
Recommendation – Proposal for Preserving Our Past, Building Our Future Summer 2020 Begin Capital Campaign To Raise Funds for Future Development of the Sanctuary & Educational Rooms
*Motion, *Discussion & Questions, *Voting
Preserving Our Past, Building Our Future Campaign Prayer Heavenly Father, we thank you for the many blessings You have bestowed upon us, especially the gift of eternal life by faith in Your Son Jesus Christ. No other common bond can draw diverse people together like our congregation gathered around Jesus. As our congregation continues to grow, we have prayerfully decided to expand and enhance our building. Please guide us as we move forward with our building renovation campaign to reach out to our members for prayers and financial gifts. May this project be a labor of love and fulfill the mission of Your church. Amen
Thank You!