Proposal for the modification of building 151 in view of the LS2 PS main magnet and TT2 consolidaiton projects Dominique Bodart TE-MSC-MNC 29/09/2017
Introduction The renovation of the main magnets of the PS machine (PLAN 10910) is foreseen during LS2 where 42 magnets will be processed in the dedicated areas. It consists of replacing windings from the magnets and auxiliary equipment, and renovating the magnet yoke. In order to achieve this activity the magnets shall to be taken out of the machine and are processed in the magnet workshop in B.151-R/002. Prior to the magnet activity the vacuum chamber shall be cut,removed, then re-installed welded, tested and aligned. Concerning the TT2 quadrupole consolidation project (PLAN 11000), vacuum chambers shall be exchanged from the installed magnets to the renovated spares. This is the case for the magnets located in the PS machine and in the nTof line with a total of 9 magnets. There is a need for a controlled vacuum chamber replacement area that will start in LS2. View of the magnet workshop during previous activities
Overview of building 151 B. 151 as of today Magnet workshop Unloading area TE-ABT storage RF workshop B. 151 as of today
Constraints The main constraints of this configuration of using an unloading area as a work area are: The work organisation as set with a one year full time activity (it is not a one shot job) It is not fullfilling the radioprotection rules recommandations. It stops any delivery and loading when used. It is a bottleneck of the activity since only one magnet can be treated at a time. In case of any vacuum chamber related problems, the project is stopped, because no magnet storage area exists in the neighborough. On the top of this, handling tools are today stored in the unloading area which makes the area very messy. A proper storage of the tooling is needed to make this area acceptable.
Proposal One proposal is to set a vacuum activity area in 151-R/006 in place of the septum storage, and a dedicated area or cupboards for handling tools to get things well sorted. The idea to be approved by the « owners » was to move the TE-ABT storage to the BE-RF workshop 151-R/001, and move the RF workshop to a non-radioactive area in 357-R/005 owned by BE-ABP. The share of the 357-R/005 room seems not possible at this stage. Vacuum area TE-ABT sorage RF workshop Proposal for the new layout
Issues This detailed proposal could not go through and we are stuck with no alternatives. Alternatives may exists but the project needs help at this stage at the management level, because we do not have visibility of the overall situation of space allocation.
Thank you for your attention