EPS-HEP2017 Venice, 5-12 July 2017 http://eps-hep2017.eu The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP), one of the major international conferences that review the field, takes place every other year since 1971, organized by the High Energy and Particle Physics Division of the European Physical Society. Latest conferences were held in Vienna, Stockholm, Grenoble, Krakow, Manchester, Lisbon and Aachen. INFN Communications Office
EPS-HEP2017 Organization EPS HEP is a scientific event aimed at the presentation of relevant results and upgrades from High Energy and Particle Physics experiments and collaborations Where: 5-12 July - Venice, Italy - Palazzo del Cinema and Palazzo del Casinò, Lido island. Organized by INFN and by the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Padova The INFN Communications Office was in charge for the conference Communication Plan A team of scientific secretaries, one from each scientific session, supported the team in collecting information for communication INFN Communications Office
The conference programme Context The conference programme Astroparticle Physics Cosmology, Dark Energy, Gravitational Waves Dark Matter Neutrino Physics Heavy Ion Physics Flavour Physics and Fundamental Symmetries Higgs and New Physics QCD and Hadronic Physics Top and Electroweak Physics Detector R&D and Data Handling Accelerators for HEP Quantum Field and String Theory Outreach, Education and Diversity http://eps-hep2017.eu/topics.html INFN Communications Office
EPS HEP2017 Communication Team Local Press Office From INFN Communications Office: Francesca Mazzotta Francesca Scianitti Antonella Varaschin From CERN Press Office: Renilde Vanden Broeck From OEAW, Vienna: Natascha Hoermann With the contribution of: Silvia Biondi, INFN Bologna Caterina Checchia, INFN Padova INFN Communications Office
INFN Communications Office Communication Tools Newsletter: daily highlights, report, video interviews and comics Website and Social Media: news, photos, video interviews and stories Press office: news and press releases Public event: conference-show with Fabiola Gianotti (CERN director- general), Antonio Masiero (INFN vice-president) and Mirko Pojer (CERN, engineer in charge of LHC); readings from the actress Sonia Bergamasco. Moderator: Silvia Rosa Brusin, TV journalist for the TG Leonardo RAI scientific programme.600 participants
Newsletter Daily NL with highlights on the opening day, briefly reporting about the day before A single page sent early in the morning Downloadable from the conference webpage: https://indico.cern.ch/event/466934/ INFN Communications Office
Social and Web #EPSHEP2017 #PhysicsInVenice Before the conference: https://twitter.com/HEPPboardEPS https://www.facebook.com/epshepp #EPSHEP2017 #PhysicsInVenice Before the conference: Warming up posts on Facebook and Twitter (starting from 24 march 2017) conference topics deadlines/organization reminders During the conference: Meetings reminders Short video interviews to scientists posted daily. Web resources: https://www.flickr.com/photos/156282680@N03/sets/72157683155717483 - IMAGES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN7R3lMFEaA - VIDEO INTERVIEWS INFN Communications Office
Press office First conference launch 1 month before (7 June)/second launch 10 days beforethe beginning of the conference (28 June). Distributed to EPPCN/Interaction in advance. Press briefing in Venice with the conference organizers and other relevant scientists at the beginning of the conference Press Lunch with Barry Barish, Kip Thorne, Rainer Weiss News for the web and press releases about results announcements have been shared with other press offices. CERN support has been fundamental INFN Communications Office
Results Press Review: 171 citations of EPS HEP 2017 on the Italian press Youtube channel : 21 video interviews published on the INFN channel (and reported on the daily EPS HEP NL) with more than 200 visits each during the first week Facebook 58 posts were published on the EPS HEPP Facebook page (from 24 march to 12 july 2017) On average each post reached over 1300 people, and some of them reached as far as 4400 people Twitter 157 tweets were posted on the EPS HEPP Twitter account Analytics account overview for HEPPboardEPS INFN Communications Office