Newton's Laws Of Motion By: Morgan Carlson Isaac Newton
About Isaac Newton Newton lived 85 years He invented a branch of math called Calculus He was forced to flee a city called Cambridge because of an outbreak of plague He was born on Christmas He discovered the secrets or light and color
Isaac Newton's First law Of Motion His first law is that an object in motion stays in motion and a object at rest tends to stay at rest. Unless acted upon by an outside force.
Demonstration Of Law #1
Newton's Second Law Of Motion Newton's second law of motion is the acceleration of an object. Produced by a total applied force. Is directly related to the magnitude of the force. Acceleration= Speed,Motion,and Vector or direction F=MA the more force the more Acceleration If the mass is the same. If the the mass is greater the acceleration is greater.
Demonstration Of Law #2
Newton's Third law Of Motion Newton's third law is... Every force there is has an equal and opposite reaction
Demonstration of Law #3
Roller Coaster Explanation The roller coaster in the other slide. Shows Newton's three laws. First it's in motion. Like the first law. Second it has acceleration. Speed, it's going fast. Motion, it's going forward. vector or distance, it's moving forward Like the second law. Third it's gears that are pushing it forward keeping it in motion. The air around the roller coaster. Is push back on the cars of the coaster. Having a reaction to the motion of the coaster.