“The Scramble For Africa” Imperialism “The Scramble For Africa”
What does Imperialism mean? The seizure of a country or territory by a stronger country. Africa has until World War Two been dominated politically, economically, and socially by stronger nations. Most recently, Europeans have dominated Africa from the mid-1800’s until the end of World War Two.
The Age of Imperialism, 1850-1914 Causes Nationalism To gain power, European nations compete for colonies and trade. Imperialism Economic Competition Europeans exerted influence over the economic, political, and social lives of people they colonized. Demand for raw materials and new markets spurs a search for colonies. Missionary Spirit Europeans believe they must spread their Christian teachings to the world.
What types of natural resources were Europeans interested in Africa? Ivory Gold Diamonds Slaves
Elephant Tusks
Elephant Tusks
Tusks for Sale
Ivory Product
Ivory Products
Ivory Products
Ivory Products
Ivory Products
Raw Gold!!!
Gold Jewelry!!!
Raw Diamond
Raw Diamond
Raw Diamond
Diamond Ring
Finished Diamond
Diamond Ear Rings
Loading a Slave Ship
Slave Ship
What does “Missionary Zeal” mean? The spreading of a particular religion. European brought Christianity to Africa. Europeans believed that Africans were “backwards” and that religion would “civilize” them. Possible anecdote: Review of African cultures and civilizations, such as Mansa Musa and Great Zimbabwe.
Missionary Zeal
Church in South Africa
What was Africa called before Europeans colonized it? The “Dark Continent”. Racist term that referred to both the peoples of Africa and their alleged ignorance. In reality, Africa has always had diverse groups of people with their own unique cultures and histories Civilizations Languages Religions Possible anecdote: Review of African cultures and civilizations, such as Mansa Musa and Great Zimbabwe. Mansa Musa!!
FOREIGN HISTORY IN AFRICA Greeks controlled Egypt after conquest by Alexander the Great Romans ruled all areas along the Mediterranean coastline, including northern Africa Arab traders converted many Africans to Islam from the 7th century Source of slaves for the Americas from the 17th century But little foreign interest in the interior of sub-Saharan Africa
DAVID LIVINGSTONE Scottish Missionary 1841-1873 – lived in central Africa Explored Africa Named Lake Victoria after the Queen of England. Converted many Africans to Christianity Wrote books on Africa which piqued foreign interest 1871 – He was reported as “lost”
HENRY STANLEY (1841-1904) Welsh-American reporter “Found” Dr. Livingstone in Africa “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” Explored Africa Congo River Lake Tanganyika Lake Victoria Worked with Belgium’s King Leopold II and his African colonization company International African Society
HENRY STANLEY (1841-1904)
CECIL RHODES (1853-1902)
CECIL RHODES (1853-1902) British businessman and politician in southern Africa Made a fortune from African diamond mines Prime minister of Cape Colony (1890-1896) Wanted British control over South Africa Wanted Cape-to-Cairo Railroad Architect of British imperialism in southern Africa Great Britain became leading colonial power in southern Africa
Satellite Victoria Falls
Victoria Falls
Cape to Cairo Rail Bridge Victoria Falls
KING LEOPOLD II OF BELGIUM (1835-1909) Took over land in central Africa, the Congo Region. Berlin Conference (1885) Leopold’s personal colony Belgian Congo (1908) Leopold criticized for the cruelty of his rule in the Congo Leopold forced to sell Congo Free State to Belgian government Created European race for African colonies – “Scramble for Africa” Diamonds, foodstuffs, gold, ivory, rubber
Map of the Congo
What was the Berlin Conference of 1884-85? Division of Africa by European Nations. They agreed to notify each other of the areas they would control. They could have these areas if they could demonstrate that they could control them. Africans were not represented. Colonial borders cut through African TRIBAL and LINGUISTIC regions. By 1914 only Liberia and Ethiopia remained free of European control
What native group of people did the British clash with in South Africa? Zulu’s. Led by Chief Shaka. Eventually the Zulu’s were defeated by the British at the battle of Uluindi in 1879. By 1887 the Zulu nation was under total British control.
What European group of people did the British clash with in South Africa? Boers (Dutch Farmers) who arrived in South Africa BEFORE the British. Boers move north to avoid the British but clash with the Zulu’s. Boers try to maintain their claims to their land and its vast mineral wealth. Boers attack the British in 1889 and are finally defeated in 1910. Boers are absorbed by the British Empire.
The Age of Imperialism, 1850-1914 Effects Colonization Europeans control land and people in areas of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Imperialism Colonial Economics Europeans exerted influence over the economic, political, and social lives of people they colonized. Europeans control trade in the colonies and set up dependent cash-crop economies. Christianization Christianity is spread to Africa, India, and Asia.
“Sun Never Sets on the British Empire”