Instituto da Lingua Galega – Universidade de Santiago de Compostela The perception of the language contact in the eastern and southern borders of Galicia Irene Santos Raña Instituto da Lingua Galega – Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Introduction The perception of linguistic differences between Galician varieties and nearby varieties does not impede the ability of the speakers of different varieties to communicate with each other. In order to know more about how speakers act in situations of contact languages we have designed a study focused on their evaluation about the linguistic variation and about the contact between the varieties in the eastern and southern administrative boundaries of Galicia. The topic of this research is connected with other works that are being developed in the Instituto da Lingua Galega about the metalinguistic speech of the speakers. Our theoretical framework is Perceptual Dialectology, a branch of studies on dialect variation that analyses the metalinguistic knowledge of the speakers based on their perception and attitudes about linguistic variation. The aim of this research is to analyse how speakers conceive the variation, in which linguistic and extralinguistic elements they detect it, how the valuations of linguistic variants can be the engine for linguistic change and how the variation shows social reality of languages. With this aim, subjects of Perceptual Dialectology such as the identification between varieties and geographical areas, the correctness ratings and the evaluation of the degree of similarity and differentiation between varieties that are used. Based on the following hypotheses: 1. The speakers are aware of linguistic variation. 2. There are linking elements between evaluations and linguistic behaviour. 3. Attitudes and beliefs of the speakers about the varieties influence the variations and the changes that take place in their language code. 4. Attitudes and beliefs help to explain the linguistic transfers between varieties in contact. We expect to know more about: 1. The knowledge of the speakers about linguistic variation and diversity. 2. The linguistic elements in which they notice variation. 3. The categories or names they use to speak about linguistic variation. 4. The attitudes they show face to linguistic variation and face to social groups to which the different varieties in contact are assigned. 5. The use of the variation. 6. The elements that indicate the limits and connections between the different varieties, according to the speakers. 7. The evaluation of the informants about the standard corresponding to the varieties which they are in contact with. Methodology The studied area is a linguistic contact area between, on the one hand, the southern varieties of Galician language and the varieties of northern Portuguese language. On the other hand, in the eastern border of Galicia and in its vicinities, the varieties of eastern Galician language are in contact with western linguistic varieties of Asturias and León. Furthermore, the varieties of Galicia, Asturias and León are also in contact with Spanish varieties. The information to be used takes into account: 1. Socio-demographic data about the survey point. 2. Sociolinguistic data about the informant. 3. Items for the collection of information about the perception of the linguistic variation. 4. Items for the evaluation of different linguistic variations of a variable according to its degree of acceptability and correction. 5. Items for the evaluation of the linguistic varieties based on the difference in relation to other varieties, and its similarity or liking. With the intention that the informants can show their evaluations within a context, they shall be provided with a specific context using voice records. In this way, we prevent each one of them to imagine a context. Fieldwork area Fonte: Google Maps References Fernández Rei, Francisco (1990): Dialectoloxía da lingua galega. Vigo: Xerais. Kabatek, Johannes (2000): Os falantes como lingüistas. Vigo: Xerais. Long, Daniel / Dennis R. Preston (eds.) (2002): Handbook of Perceptual Dialectology, vol. 2. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Meyerhoff, Miriam et al. (2015): Doing Sociolinguistics. London and New York: Routledge. Preston, Dennis R. (1989): Perceptual Dialectology: Nonlinguists' Views of Areal Linguistic. Dordrecht: Foris. Preston, Dennis R. (ed.) (1999): Handbook of Perceptual Dialectology, vol. 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Seco Orosa, Ana (2001): “Determinación da fronteira lingüística entre o galego e o leonés nas provincias de León e Zamora”, in Revista de Filología Románica, 18, 73- 102. Winford, Donald (2003): An introduction to contact linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell. Acknowledgments This poster was supported by the Secretaría Xeral de Universidades (Xunta de Galicia - FEDER) and the research group Filoloxía e Lingüística Galega (USC). Speciall thanks to Francisco Dubert and Xulio Sousa for the revision and to Xulio Sousa and Soraya Suárez for mapping.