and a strong, sure defense From the dark gath'ring tempest The Lord Our Rock O the Rock! 'tis a cleft and a strong, sure defense From the dark gath'ring tempest so threat'ning and dense; In the Rock we are safe, we will suffer no fear, But in peace that is changeless, we rest sweetly here. 1-9 Words and Music by J. P. Lane
(For the Lord is our Rock, for the Lord is our Rock,) The Lord Our Rock For the Lord is our Rock (For the Lord is our Rock, for the Lord is our Rock,) and is mighty and strong, (and is mighty and strong, and is mighty and strong,) And in Him we are safe (And in Him we are safe, and in Him we are safe,) He's our help (He's our help and our song,) and our song, 2-9
(In the Rock) In the Rock (we will rest) we will rest The Lord Our Rock (In the Rock) In the Rock (we will rest) we will rest (till the storms) till the storms (all are past;) all are past; (He will guide) He will guide thru the gloom, (thru the gloom) ('till the light dawns at last) 'till the light dawns at last (‘till the light dawns at last.) dawns at last. 3-9
O the Rock! safely shields from the foes that surround, The Lord Our Rock O the Rock! safely shields from the foes that surround, Tho’ the perils are many, and tempters abound; In the Rock, all secure, from all harms we abide; Since He shields us and keeps us, no ill can betide. 4-9
(For the Lord is our Rock, for the Lord is our Rock,) The Lord Our Rock For the Lord is our Rock (For the Lord is our Rock, for the Lord is our Rock,) and is mighty and strong, (and is mighty and strong, and is mighty and strong,) And in Him we are safe (And in Him we are safe, and in Him we are safe,) He's our help (He's our help and our song,) and our song, 5-9
(In the Rock) In the Rock (we will rest) we will rest The Lord Our Rock (In the Rock) In the Rock (we will rest) we will rest (till the storms) till the storms (all are past;) all are past; (He will guide) He will guide thru the gloom, (thru the gloom) ('till the light dawns at last) 'till the light dawns at last (‘till the light dawns at last.) dawns at last. 6-9
what a calm, blest retreat, We Will rest in the Shade all The Lord Our Rock O the Rock, blessed Rock, what a calm, blest retreat, We Will rest in the Shade all secure from the heat; In the Rock we're contented, we're happy and free; Sinner, flee for thy life, O to this Refuge flee. 7-9
(For the Lord is our Rock, for the Lord is our Rock,) The Lord Our Rock For the Lord is our Rock (For the Lord is our Rock, for the Lord is our Rock,) and is mighty and strong, (and is mighty and strong, and is mighty and strong,) And in Him we are safe (And in Him we are safe, and in Him we are safe,) He's our help (He's our help and our song,) and our song, 8-9
(In the Rock) In the Rock (we will rest) we will rest The Lord Our Rock (In the Rock) In the Rock (we will rest) we will rest (till the storms) till the storms (all are past;) all are past; (He will guide) He will guide thru the gloom, (thru the gloom) ('till the light dawns at last) 'till the light dawns at last (‘till the light dawns at last.) dawns at last. 9-9