Club Drug Use and Risky Sexual Behavior Among Latino and Other MSM John J. Echeverry, Ph.D., Principal Investigator Maria-Amelia Viteri, Jose Camacho, & Trey Watkins Psychology Department George Washington University Funded provided by NIH/NIDA 1 K23 DA017109
Characteristics of the study It is a qualitative study to examine the issue of club drug use among men who have sex with men (MSM). The aims include: - Documenting the culture of club drug use - Documenting the socialization process related to club drug use (including contextual elements) - Examining how sexual behavior is handled while using club drugs
Characteristics of the study (cont.) Phase I of the study is being conducted in Washington, DC. Phase II will be conducted in Washington and in Miami. Data are being collected using qualitative methods such as: participant observations, focus groups, key informant interviews, and in-depth interviews Inclusion criteria are: - Biological males between the ages of 18 and 40 years - Men who have sex with men, who have had sex with another man in preceding six months - Must have used at least one club drug in the preceding six months
Over arching aims To develop a theoretical model concerning club drug use and sexual risk To establish an independent program of research concerning these behaviors with particular emphasis on Latino MSM
Department of Psychology John J. Echeverry, Ph.D. Department of Psychology GWU 202 – 994-7824