FIFTH GRADE 2017-18 Orientation
5th Grade Teachers Mrs. Ethington – Math/Science Mrs. Ferguson – RELA/Social Studies Mrs. Sanchez - RELA/Social Studies Mrs. Hoyt – Self-contained Welcome Mrs. Comerford! -Math/Science
Daily Schedule *Tuesday’s- Double Specials 1:55-3:20 7:50-8:10 Pledge/Lunch Count/Planner 8:10-9:00 Specials 9:00-11:30 Block 1 11:30–11:45 Block 2 11:45 –12:45 Lunch/Recess 12:45 - 3:00 Block 2 continued 3:00-3:25 Academic Flex Time/Pack Up/Dismissal *Tuesday’s- Double Specials 1:55-3:20
Absences and Tardies Absences - When a child is absent, contact the school one of these ways: 1. Send email 2. Send a written note 3. Call it in at 281-641-2200. Tardies -School begins at 8am. Students not in their classroom by 8:00 will be counted tardy.
POSITIVE REINFORCEMENTS & SUPPORTING GROWTH AND RESPONSIBILITY TICKETS/CLASS STORE – we like to give tickets for a variety of incentives; students have opportunity to spend tickets for various things or privileges. HOMEWORK – for the purpose of responsibility and practice; homework is taken seriously in 5th grade CONDUCT – is graded on effort in class and behavior. An E is consistent EXCEPTIONAL behavior and effort. CONDUCT BOOK – we keep a record of uncompleted homework, not following 5th grade guidelines, and non-FLIP behavior in class and around school
Birthday Treats- we encourage ice cream tickets, however, if you bring cupcakes they must be pre-approved by the school nurse for allergy purposes. Invitations-may not be distributed at school.
Communication Remind Planner Home Access (grades online) Email (In most cases, we won’t check our email until the end of the day.) Teacher Websites
Planner and Homework Folder …to help build responsibility and organization. These are important skills they will carry on for a life-time.
Extra School Supplies Needed for Every Student Twistable colored pencils (small pack) Markers (8 – 10 pack) Crayons (24 pack) Pencil BAG ☺ Earbuds ALSO, please put extra articles of clothes in your backpack (in case of a mishap on the wet soccer field). The nurse is always open for clothing donations. ☺
Reading Fifth grade will have reading goals for every nine weeks. Each nine weeks, students will be expected to read from a highlighted genre. (mystery, historical fiction, biography, and science fiction) Each nine weeks, students will create a product to display their favorite book.
Social Studies American History Exploration to Present Time States & Capitals – YES! MEMORIZE!
STATE Parade Students make a float to represent the state they researched about!
WHAT’S UP IN MATH? Our emphasis is on algebra and all four operations for whole numbers, decimals & fractions including unlike denominators. Homework TBA (packet or page from workbook) ALL students are STRONGLY encouraged to work on their Subtraction/Multiplication/Division FACTS. This is foundational for SUCCESS!
Super Science!!!! Weather and Climate/Stream tables-changes to Earth Physical Science Matter, Electricity, Light, etc. Earth Science/Space Life Science Animal Research/Environment Academic Fair Project (TBA) BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY!!!!
Lots of time in the Science Lab! We’re requesting stools for the science lab, so students have more room for investigations.
Special Events Storybook Parade -October 26th Manners Luncheon- December 1st Visit to Riverwood Middle School (in Feb.) Academic Fair (date TBA) JA Biztown- April 27th LOTS of 5th grade celebrating in May! (student/teacher volleyball, patriotic performance, Awards Ceremony), also in May our STATE Parade!!!)
Manners Luncheon –Dec. 1st All students need money in their lunch account!!!
Manners Luncheon
Biztown! April 27
Biztown Cafeteria/Break Time!
Biztown Town Hall Meeting
Biztown Store
DWE Family Giving Tree Hurricane Harvey directly impacted the homes of over 100 of our students and staff members. As our DWE families work tirelessly through the restoration process, we understand that many will be in need of on-going support including essential items such as groceries, clothing, and household necessities. Since we are unable to manage these items on campus, we would like to provide relief through gift cards to our families in need. If your family is in a position to do so, please consider donating a gift card. Suggestions, based on needs as they are conveyed, will be located on our Giving Tree in the front foyer. Gift cards should be returned to the front office, with the coordinating tag, and will be distributed to our families in need. If your family is in need of assistance, please reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher or to our counselor, Holly Mays. Thank you for your generosity. Together, we will recover!
GT Referral GT referral Window is September 9 - October 20. During this time parents and teachers have the opportunity to refer students in grades K - 5 for GT identification. There are permission to test forms in the front office. Completed permission to test forms should be sent to Ms. Sterling. After she receives the permission to test form, she will send home a parent survey to be filled out and returned before testing can begin. All forms and Surveys must be completed and turned in by October 20. This is the only opportunity this year to refer a student. Assessment window is October 23 - December 15. For questions contact Debbie Sterling at 281-641-2239
It’s going to be a FABULOUS year in FIFTH Grade! Thank You !!! It’s going to be a FABULOUS year in FIFTH Grade!