Establishment of ‘Technical Sub Committee’ Action - SDG Option
Action from Change Management Committee Action 0501: Change Management Committee to prepare to establish a Technical Sub-Committee (including the scope, TOR and membership) for technical assessments of future release capability. The current Solution Development Group will be considered for their amenability/willingness to take on this role. Assumed that this request was intended to be a distinct transitional role for UKLP change backlog assessment, but also enduring in support of Change Managers for future release scope.
Current SDG Terms of Reference Established to support the development of changes identified through Nexus development Convened at 3pm on the first and third Monday of the month via t-con Chaired by Xoserve No voting or approvals – provided recommendations to UKLC “Open membership”
SDG Feedback SDG was convened on 30th May to discuss the action from Change Management Committee SDG value having the opportunity to input into the design, development and discussions regarding solutions for changes SDG were amendable to support assessing prioritisation of the change backlog, where referred by Change Management Committee, in preparation of Release 2 – Transitional requirement Change Managers need to consider criteria for review by SDG Technical changes? Assessment of potential impacts to User systems – noting design options will not necessarily be fully developed
Functions of Change Management Committee Prioritisation - recommendation for priority of the change based on the UK Link Change Prioritisation and Release Scoping Approach Analysis Delivery Preliminary Solution Option Assessment – review of high level solution options / input stakeholder view to options Solution Approval - approval of the preferred solution Release Approval – approval of the release for a change to be implemented in UK Link
Scope of SDG Analysis Prioritisation [Transitional] SDG For the ‘backlog of change’ / R2 Preliminary Soln Option Assessment - Analysis Delivery Prioritisation Solution Approval Release Scope of SDG – Provide Recommendation to ChMC Suggested scope of work for SDG with feedback between Change Management Committee and SDG Function of SDG on Request Change Management Committee Scope of SDG – Provide Recommendation to ChMC Function of SDG on Request
New Terms of Reference Amend the scope of the group to reflect the new role Face to face monthly meetings convened [a fortnight] following Change Management Committee Need to consider timings how this interacts with issue of Change Packs / Consideration of Responses / Provision of Papers Chair / Secretariat function provided/arranged by Xoserve No voting or approvals – SDG will be asked to provide recommendations to Change Management Committee “Open membership” for all constituent groups to attend, members can be ‘regulatory’ and / or ‘technical’ Transitional meeting – [28th June] Matters referred by ChMC in June Aim to support Backlog conclusion at July ChMC