2016 MET triggers for VH analysis


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Presentation transcript:

2016 MET triggers for VH analysis Carlos Miguel Vergel-Infante ISU HEP EXP Group Meeting – Focus Talk September -, 2016

From Oral Prelim (Fall ‘16) Most probable for SM H decay The SM predicts the BFs for the Higgs. The decay H->bb decay has not been observed yet. 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante First observation of H

VH->bb Leptonic decays of W and Z bosons will reduce the amount of QCD background. Three channels (should be named “* charged lepton”): 0 Lepton (Z->vv) 1 Lepton (W -> lv) 2 Lepton (Z -> ll) Improve sensitivity of H by improving the b-tagging of jets in the merged region (CM Frame) <-> GOAL 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante

Collaboration A group in ATLAS has been working for a long time. A paper is being prepared (~ summer ‘17) with data 15 and 16. Joining the effort -> full run 2. 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante

2016 MET triggers as function of PU Two MET triggers used in 2016: HLT_xe90_mht_L1XE50 : Period A-D3 HLT_xe110_mht_L1XE50 : Period D4-… Goals: Turning curves of triggers. Function of PU? MET triggers do not use muon spectrometer information. Correction is done offline. (METnm). 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante

W(munu) + jets sample This sample has enough statistic to do the study, and already includes a muon. CUTS: Pass 1-lepton triggers 0 b-tag Exact 1 muon MET > 50 GeV 2, 3 jets MPT > 30 GeV >= 2 Signal Jets (sumPt > 120 (150) GeV) J1_pt > 45 GeV 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante

Period A-D3 Usually, the cut is applied at 150 GeV 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante Usually, the cut is applied at 150 GeV

Pile-up : Period A-D3 Smaller μ has greater efficiency as expected. 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante Smaller μ has greater efficiency as expected. Lumi = 6.12/fb

Period D4-… Usually, the cut is applied at 150 GeV 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante Usually, the cut is applied at 150 GeV

Pile-up : Period D4-… Smaller μ has greater efficiency as expected. 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante Smaller μ has greater efficiency as expected. Lumi = 27.14/fb

Conclusions & to-do As expected, less pile-up gives better efficiency. Do the same for ttbar (big background). Present on Monday on the VHbb meeting. Start working with merged jets. 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante

Back up 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante

Slopes Period A-D3 Period D4-… 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante Period D4-…

Period A-D3 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante

Period D4-… 2016 MET triggers for VH analysis (ATLAS) Carlos Vergel-Infante