Chapter 3 Exponents and Logarithms Box-wad-of-paper Chapter 3 Exponents and Logarithms
Box-wad-of-paper 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
1 Solve. 52x = 59x + 7 x = -1
2 Solve. x = -2, 5
3 Solve. x = 1 6
4 Solve. 27x = 800 x = ?
5 Solve. logx 512 = 3 x = 8
6 Solve. log8 (3x - 6) = log8 (9x + 23)
7 Solve. log7 (x2 - 5) = log7 (59)
8 Solve. log9(x + 3) = log92x x = ?
Solve. Round to 4 decimal places. 9 Solve. Round to 4 decimal places. 3x = 72 x = 3.8928
Solve. Round to 4 decimal places. 7x = 23.4 10 Solve. Round to 4 decimal places. 7x = 23.4 x = 1.6202
Solve. Round to 4 decimal places. 53x = 37 11 Solve. Round to 4 decimal places. 53x = 37 x = 0.7479
12 Write in logarithmic form. 82 = 64 log8 64 = 2
13 Write in logarithmic form. 93 = 729 log9 729 = 3
Write in logarithmic form. 14 Write in logarithmic form.
15 Write in logarithmic form. 65 = 7776 log6 7776 = 5
Write in exponential form. 16 Write in exponential form.
17 Write in exponential form. log11 1331 = 3 113 = 1331
18 Write in exponential form. log5 625 = 4 54 = 625
Write in exponential form. 19 Write in exponential form.
20 Evaluate -4
21 Evaluate 2
22 Evaluate 4
23 Expand log3 (27x)2 2(log3 27 + log3 x) = 2log327 + 2log3x
24 Expand log x – log 9
25 Condense
26 Condense
27 Evaluate. Round to 4 decimal places. log11 52 1.6478
28 Evaluate. Round to 4 decimal places. log5 8.7 1.3441
29 Evaluate. Round to 4 decimal places. log6 21.7 1.7175
30 Evaluate. Round to 4 decimal places. log13 28.3 1.3033