John Kennedy Intermediate 2nd Grade Welcome to Open House! Presentation begins at 6:15 John Kennedy Intermediate 2nd Grade
We have specials first thing every morning. Monday: Music Tuesday: Art Wednesday: P.E. Thursday: Library and Music Friday: P.E. and Technology Our Specials Schedule
Our Daily Schedule 8:25-8:40 8:40-9:20 9:20-10:00 10:00-10:30 lunch count, pledge, unpacking, sharpen pencils, hand in homework, notes, morning work 8:40-9:20 Writer’s Workshop (Thursdays Library) 9:20-10:00 Specials (Technology on Friday) 10:00-10:30 Working Snack ELA/SS/Social Studies Domains (P.E. on Friday) 10:30-11:00 Shared Reading 11:00-11:30 Literacy Centers (reading groups with Mrs. Bartlett or Mrs. Marsh, word work, work on writing, read to self, reading lessons on computer) 11:30-12:10 E.L.A. W.I.N 12:10-12:49 Lunch and Enrichment Time 12:50-1:20 Math W.I.N. 1:25-2:25 Math 2:25-2:40 Pack Up >> RECESS >> Dismissal Our Daily Schedule
Reading Guided Reading in small group instruction Small groups focus on word study, decoding skills, comprehension strategies, & vocabulary skills Emphasis on nonfiction and close reading Using evidence from the text to support our answers with written responses Increase academic vocabulary Daily Read Alouds focus on comprehension strategies whole group and practiced in guided reading groups RETURN book bags daily and record reading. Reading
Social STudies & SCience INtegrated themes in our English Language ARts Content: Map Skills Fairy tales & folktales Insects Cycles in Nature War of 1812 Customs Around the World Westward Expansion Fighting for a Cause/Biographies Immigration Interactions (Experiments)
Math The Common Core State Standards Shifts: Learn more about fewer concepts Focus on skill building, speed, and accuracy (fluency) Use of real world examples (time, money, etc.) to better understand concepts Build skills across grade levels ***Understand WHY you are doing something rather just HOW to do something
The writing workshop model of teaching is based on fostering independent writers and lifelong learners and embracing creativity Units: Personal Narratives Opinion Writing Informational Writing a Letter How-To’s Biographies/Research Writer’s Workshop
What can FAmilies Do To Help? Stay involved, informed, and engaged Look through your child’s backpack, agenda, & take home folder daily Read with your child Review and discuss their homework. Let them teach you! Encourage them to do their best! What can FAmilies Do To Help?
Class Expectations: Follow directions quickly. Raise your hand for permission to speak. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat. Make smart choices Keep your dear teacher happy by making smart choices Follow the JK Way (respectful, responsible, and safe)
Your child may send in a birthday treat for the class on or around his/her birthday We have 19 students in our class. Summer Birthdays -- We can celebrate in June! Please email or write me a note to confirm the date you would like to celebrate on. Birthday Invitations -- if you hand them out at school, please have one for every child (19) The JK kitchen also offers an option to buy birthday treats to save you from shopping (check the JK website) Birthdays
Homework Expectations Try your best! Complete to the best of your ability Homework will be recorded in AGENDA Reading every day with a book log and place you read. Eventually sight word & math flash card envelopes coming home for practice 2nd grade will not be doing weekly spelling tests this year Homework Expectations
JK’S Behavior Card Chart System Each student has 4 cards related to their behavior. Used throughout the school. Students begin each day with a green card. Students may receive a warning but still remain on green (flip green card to side with a dot). Students should record their colors in their agendas daily. Green = Successful day! Student earns ALL of recess. Yellow = Student loses 5 minutes of recess. Orange = Student loses 10 minutes of recess (all). Red = Student's behavior has deteriorated to the point where a phone call home is necessary & they lost their free time today. Blue clip for extraordinary good behavior! New to JK this year. Students behavior will be recorded in AGENDA. **2 days throughout the week on red results with the student meeting with Mr. Kesler to discuss their behavior choices. JK’S Behavior Card Chart System
Tickets: P.B.I.S. Positive Behavior Intervention Supports As a school, tickets are earned based on the character trait of the month (respect, responsibility, teamwork, never giving up, perseverance, etc.) Any teacher can hand them out to students At the end of the month, students may turn in their tickets for a P.B.I.S. prize. Tickets: P.B.I.S. Positive Behavior Intervention Supports
Resources: For more information & resources, visit: The JK webpage >> Grade Level Resource Links Resources:
How To Contact us: Email: or Call Us At School: 343-2480 ext. 5000
Before You Leave… Don’t Forget To: Preference sheet Parent/Teacher Conference in November Leave your email and phone in the log book. Go on a scavenger hunt throughout the classroom AND the school! *THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING! Your participation in your child’s learning is valued and extremely appreciated. Before You Leave… Don’t Forget To: