Welcome to 3rd Grade
Stallions Sippel Planners Class Dojo Specials Schedule Late Work & Corrections Grades Language Arts/ Spelling Reading Math Science Social Studies Birthdays Contact Information Stallions
Planners Students are expected to fill out their planner every morning. The agenda is written on the front board. Topics covered are written down, along with homework. Homework is circled with a next to it. Parents, please review the planner nightly. Students need their planners at school every day. HW
Class Dojo 3rd Grade uses Class Dojo for classroom management and behavior. Students can earn Dojo points for following procedures and completing their work. They may also lose Dojo points for not following procedures and not completing their work. Dojo celebrations are usually scheduled once a month in conjunction with an Art-a-la-Cart lesson. Students must earn an overall 85% in Dojo each month in order to attend the entire celebration. **NO MISSING WORK**
Specials Schedule Specials rotate on an 6 day cycle. A Specials schedule is posted in our classroom and listed on the weekly class newsletter. We have PE/Rhythms on set days throughout the week. Ours happen to fall on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Students are expected to wear appropriate shoes on those days.
Late Work/Absent Work: Late work -10 points Make-up work (1 day given for each day absent)
Corrections Students may (and are expected to) correct any assignment that is below a 70. Corrected assignments need to be signed by a parent and turned in to the teacher in a timely manner. If there are still corrections to be made, the assignment will be returned to the student for further correcting. Please review the assignment with your child to ensure understanding and correct answers. Assignments that are successfully corrected will receive a grade of a 70.
Report Card and Progress Report: Progress report- given every 3 weeks Report Card- given every 9 weeks Grades can be viewed online at any time.
Language Arts/ Spelling Spelling lists are based on spelling patterns. We study these patterns on a 3-week cycle: Week 1- The pattern is introduced and practiced. Week 2- Word meaning (vocabulary) is the focus. Dictionary and Picture Grids are assigned. A vocabulary quiz is taken that Friday. Week 3- Spelling practice is stressed. Tic Tac Toe activity is assigned. A traditional spelling test is taken that Friday. Grammar and writing skills will be explored throughout the year.
Daily Reading Students will be reading chapter books and completing their Reading Log responses in class. For homework, a Scholastic News will be sent home on Monday. Students are to read the articles, highlight text proof, and complete the comprehension questions. This is due on Friday. As often as possible, students should be accessing Istation at home to build reading skills. Their log-in’s are taped on the inside cover of planners.
Readers Workshop During the reading block, students will be taught skills that will help them become better readers and have the opportunity to practice these skills. Our Readers Workshop skills include: Independent Reading, Writing, Listening to Reading (books and CD’s), Partner Reading, and Word Work. Students will be reading “Good Fit” books- books on their personal reading levels.
Math Math homework will soon be in the form of computer work using Think Through Math. Students will be expected to pass 2 lessons a week. They may work at their pace at home throughout the week to complete this. Their log-in’s are taped on the inside cover of planners. Students will be working to master their facts. We will begin with addition fact drills, continue with subtraction drills, and begin multiplication drills in December.
Small-Group Instruction During the math and reading blocks, teacher-guided instruction time is set aside to work with students in small groups on specific skills and knowledge that are keys to success in 3rd grade. In these small groups, students will be working on concepts to strengthen skills and enhance skills already mastered.
Science Our science curriculum covers concepts in each discipline of science – life, physical, and Earth. Students will be given many opportunities to experiment using hands-on activities, science tools, labs, and investigations.
Social Studies The third grade social studies curriculum covers communities – the formation and function of communities, citizens and their roles, government, and culture. We will use “Social Studies Weekly” periodicals to help us to understand our local community, our state, and our nation.
Birthdays: Treats are passed out during recess after lunch (12:00). Please let me know in advance if you plan to send in a treat. Please include enough for everyone (we have 23), and send whatever is needed (napkins, plates, etc.). All treats must be store-bought and peanut-free with the nutrition label attached. Cupcakes, cookies, or doughnuts work best!
The best way to contact school staff: First initial last name @ scuc.txed.net Example: mmyles@scuc.txed.net 210-619-4600 Conference times M-F, 7:45 – 8:40