Welcome to Back to School Night! Mr. Weldon 2nd Grade
A Typical Day in the Life of Your 2nd Grader 7:20-7:40 Arrival and Morning Work 7:40-7:45 Announcements 7:45-8:00 Morning Meeting 8:00-8:30 Whole Group Reading 8:30-9:40 Small Group Reading 9:40-10:10 Being A Writer 10:10-10:40 Specials 10:45-11:13 Recess 11:15-11:45 Lunch 11:50-12:20 Science or Social Studies 12:20-1:20 Math 1:20 -1:50 Math Small Group -Intervention/Enrichment 1:50 Begin Pack Up/Clean Up/Dismissal
Whole Group Reading Virginia Department of Education Standards of Learning VDOE Includes a read-aloud text that covers vocabulary instruction, reading focus skill, comprehension strategies and practice
Small Group Reading Direct instruction of leveled text delivered in small group setting, no more than 6 students in a group. Same type of skills and questions as whole group. RED reading folder HW books will come from this small group. When not with teachers, students are on computers, ipods, using writing journals, reading self selected books, or spelling.
Is My Child Reading on Grade Level? HCPS Reading on Grade Level Chart Changing every 9 weeks, there are certain criteria that must be met. Example: 1st 9 weeks: 2nd grade level text, 60+wcpm on a Level K text, reading and writing words with short/long vowel patterns Site to Find a book's level
How can my child increase reading level? READ 20 minutes per Night image Rereading familiar text, practicing expression
Being A Writer Writing program that uses literature to inspire writing ideas and incorporate grammar, punctuation, and capitalization Students are graded on writing samples with HCPS Writing Rubrics
Word Study Spelling 10 words per week, a mix of sight words and 2nd grade skill words, like contractions, plural nouns, compound words, etc. Tests are Friday. *show example* Students are also exposed to other vocabulary embedded in small group reading and Sci/SS
Wait, when is snack? Students can have snack any time in the morning when independently working on assignments (not whole group, teaching station, or on computer) Dry snacks encouraged to prevent spills, sticky messes, etc.
Math New 2016 Pacing Problem solving is key – using math skills to solve problems Use everyday life to support math growth at home: count coins, tell time, keep a calendar, read a recipe, addition and subtraction, mental math
Science and Social Studies Much of the content is also covered with non-fiction text during Reading (whole and small group)
Specials Schedule Monday - Art Tuesday - Music Wednesday – P.E. *(tennis shoes) Thurs. – Library Friday – Guidance / Spanish
Testing, Testing, 123… Tests are given for spelling, reading, math, and science or social studies (study guides sent for Sci/SS) Informal assessments/classwork grades End of the year HATS tests
Grading Scale *begins in 2nd in HCPS* A = 90-100 Excellent B = 80-89 Very Good C = 70-79 Satisfactory D = 65-69 Marginal Progress F = below 65 Failing
Homework – 30 min per night Sent home Mondays in Red Folder- 1 week to complete 15-20 minutes of reading * book from class* 5-10 minutes of math 5 minutes spelling/writing practice 5 minutes SS/Sci vocab term review
Things to Remember: Blue Daily Folders come to school each day Friday “Tiger Check” - Sign, keep papers, & return in folder on Monday Red HW folders & books return on Mondays Check out the weekly blog posts for updated news, links to games, and pictures! Every half-day is a STEAM day! Be on the lookout for information coming home for the Oct. 9 day!
Field Trips https://osp.osmsinc.com/HenricoVA/ Location & Purpose of Trip Date Amount Science Museum of Virginia Museum Exhibits Friday, October 20, 2017 $10.00 Virginia Repertory November Theatre Mary Poppins the Musical Friday, December 1, 2017 $21.00 Maymont Life Cycles Program and Nature Center Tour Friday, May 4, 2018 $9.00
Awards Assemblies Recognition of Student Achievement 9 Weeks Awards will be given out in classrooms on the day that report cards are sent home. 1:00 - 1:30 K-2 awards will be given out in the classroom 1:30 - 2:00 3-5 awards will be given out in the classroom 1st Quarter - Tuesday, Nov. 21 2nd Quarter - Monday, Feb. 12 3rd Quarter - Monday, April 30 4th Quarter - Friday, June 15
PAW Achievement Parties 1 per 9 weeks: Developing Perseverance, Attitude and Work Ethic Have no bus referrals or behavior communicators Earn an S in conduct/work habits on the report card 3 Xs out of 9 on the weekly report = X on report card in the category 3 Xs on report card in the area = a N in conduct or work habits area
Ways to Communicate Send a note in your child’s folder Email me - whweldon@henrico.k12.va.us Call me - #261-5060 Blog: Mr. Weldon’s 2nd Grade Blog Remind 101 texting app: Text the message @2ndmyersk to the number 804-3254599 *Transportation changes must be in writing. Thanks for your help with this!
Questions? Thank you for coming!