3rd Grade Curriculum Night Ms. Richardson
Classroom Expectations & Procedures 1. Raise your hand to speak or for permission to leave your seat. 2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself 3. Listen when someone is talking. 4. Follow directions the first time they are given. 5. Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Morning Hallway Restroom Lunch Dismissal
Classroom Mission We the students of Ms. Richardson’ s 3rd Grade Renaissance Leaders. We promise to always do our best, do the right things even when no one is listening, and put first things first. We believe that mistakes will prove that we are trying and we will work hard to make our brain grow. Also, we will never stop trying and will always work hard to reach our goals.
Student Leadership Notebooks Used to display student work Used to create and keep up with goals
Daily Schedule 7:45-8:00 Morning Announcements 8:00-8:10 Number Talks 8:10- 8:45 Math Block 1 8:45-9:30 Math Block 2 9:30-10:15 Specials : Mon. – Science Lab, Tues. – Computer/Media Center Wed. – Art, Thurs. – Music, Fri. P.E. 10:15-10:45 Science/Social Studies 10:45-10:54 Bathroom Break 10:54-11:24 Lunch 11:24-11:45 Recess 11:45-12:15 Instruction Focus Time 12:15-1:00 ELA Block 1 1:00-1:45 ELA Block 2 1:45-2:00 Read Aloud 2:00-2:10 Afternoon Meeting
Class Dojo Positive student behavior Parent communication Rewards
Leader In Me 1. Be proactive- you’re in charge 2. Begin with the end in mind- have a plan 3. Put first things first- work first, then play 4. Think win-win- everyone can win 5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood- listen before you talk 6. Synergize- together is better 7. Sharpen the saw- Balance feels best
Communication With Parents Email: Gloria. Richardson @henry.k12.ga.us Class Dojo School phone number: 770-474-9983 Agendas
MAP Testing Taken 3 times a year: Fall, Winter, & Spring Language Math Reading Language Math Science
Homework Policy Given every Monday check student notebook Turn in every Friday Graded work will be sent home Friday in the purple communication folder
Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) 1. 100% of staff will be engaged in data analysis and implement the CIE Assessment Plan during regularly scheduled data talks, meetings, collaborative planning and teacher/student conferences from August 2017-May 2018. 2. 100% of teachers will use explicit vocabulary instructional strategies in all content areas from August 2017-May 2018. 3. To increase our progress in becoming a Lighthouse School from 52% to 90% by May 2018 as evidence by our Lighthouse Status/Evidence Binder. Mrs. Travis will go more in detail at the State of the School Address in September
Webpage http://schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/cie