L&C Foundations: The Rhetorical Triangle September
LT & Agenda I can utilize the rhetorical triangle in order to evaluate the basic elements of a writer’s argument. Agenda: Energizer Review HW Passage #3 FA Paragraph Two Minute Countdown
Gettin’ Ready Please take out your copy of Just Mercy, your rhetorical triangle homework, and your spiral/comp notebook.
Focusing In Learning Target: I can utilize the rhetorical triangle in order to evaluate the basic elements of a writer’s argument. HW: Reread & annotate passage from “I arrived… to begin” (174 -181) (reading grade) Please answer the following energizer question (remember, you don’t need to write the question): What questions do you have about the homework?
Homework Review Purpose: Context Subject Audience What’s the topic? How appealing is it? What amount of research is apparent? What’s the evidence? How is the passage organized and presented? Audience who/what/how, intended v. unintended, primary vs. secondary, categories, empathetic/sympathetic/ antithetic/apathetic Writer What can we infer about Stevenson’s choices? What rhetorical appeals does he use? What other writerly moves does he make? Purpose: Is the purpose and intention clear? Has the purpose changed from the last paragraph on page 18? What are Stevenson’s unspoken values? Context within the book within the world within society within history
Passage #3 As I read (on page 25 from “Walter was smart enough…” to “… no one would ever know” on page 26), make general observations about the writer, subject, audience, purpose and context of this passage.
Focused Work Work with your group to come up with multiple thoughts about your assigned element from the rhetorical triangle. Be ready to share 3-5 of your best ideas with everyone. Specific words, phrases and/or evidence is a bonus but not required for all ideas. (As a group, you should have at least one piece of evidence from the passage for this element)
Clarify the relationship between the elements of the RT in passage 1, 2, or 3. Success Criteria Grading Scale Ideas focus on the relationship between Stevenson & his purpose, Stevenson & the audience and the subject & the context in an insightful manner. There is a range of well-chosen, sufficient evidence and 2-3 pieces (quote/paraphrased). Evidence is properly and effectively integrated into the writing. Valid and insightful elaboration connects the evidence back to the focus. Proper conventions are used. Check Plus All the criteria are met clearly and effectively Check (Almost Plus) Most of the criteria are met One or two of the success criteria are questionable Check The criteria are met in spirit; it is clear the writer worked hard to keep them in mind. Most of the success criteria is questionable Check Minus The rhetorical triangle isn’t addressed clearly and the elements of good writing are substantially missing.
Two Minute Countdown Pass your writing to the aisles. Homework: Reread & Annotated pgs 174-181 (reading grade) Pack up; organize. Say something kind to someone around you; give someone a compliment about their work today. Leave me a note if you need to. Stay near your seat.