The International Date Line


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Presentation transcript:

The International Date Line There are 180 lines of longitude on each side of the prime meridian. On the opposite side, the prime meridian is not zero, but 180˚. It is called the International Date Line.

Practice Questions North South Prime Meridian East West 180 Longitude lines connect the ____________ pole with the ________________ pole. The line of 0˚ longitude is called the ________________________________. Longitude gives directions ___________ and _____________ of the prime meridian. There are ___________ degrees of longitude on each side of the prime meridian. North South Prime Meridian East West 180

Using Latitude & Longitude Latitude and longitude can be used to find your exact location on a map. You write latitude first followed by longitude. Example: Miami, Florida is located at 25˚ North and 80˚ West. Or 25˚ N 80˚ W

Compass Rose A figure on a map or compass used to show cardinal directions: North, East, South, & West.

Practice 10˚ S 5˚ E 0˚ 5˚W 25˚ N 5˚ E Hurricane__________ Whale _____________ Bird ________________ 10˚ S 5˚ E 0˚ 5˚W 25˚ N 5˚ E

What is Topography? Topography is the physical and natural features of the land A topographic map shows natural features (such as elevation) and man made features (such as schools)

What are Contour Lines? The lines on a topographic maps are called contour lines Contour lines show elevation or height Contour lines of the same elevation are connected

What are Contour Lines? Topographic maps are 2-D images that can be used to created 3-D images.

What are contour lines? The closer the contour lines are to each other, the steeper the slope is

What are Some other Mapping Terms? Map Scale- compares distance on the map with distance on Earth. Legend – explains symbols used on the map. Index contours – contour lines that are labeled to help you find the contour interval. Relief- The difference in elevation between any 2 points A contour interval is the difference in elevation between two contour line that are side by side.

How do you find the Contour interval? To find the contour interval: Find index contour Determine the elevation between two index contours Count the number of spaces between 2 index contours Divide the elevation difference between the 2 index contours by the number of spaces 800- 700 = 100 5 spaces 100 / 5 = 20

Practice Put a box around the map scale Is there a legend? Circle at least one index contour What is the contour interval? No 8000-7800= 200 200 / 5 = 40

What Features are on Topographic Maps? Mountains/ hills are represented by a series of circle This is a top down view

WHAT Features Are on Topographic Maps? A depression, or hole is represented with hachure lines. An example may be the inside of a dead volcano