What works? Key outcomes from a systematic inventory of 260 meta-evaluations within three knowledge domains: Situational Crime Prevention, Policing and Offender Oriented (Criminal) Justice Interventions The Hague: Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Jaap de Waard j.de.waard@minvenj.nl https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jaap_De_Waard/publications 22 November 2017
What are we going to do during this presentation? Introduction and background Aim of this presentation What works? - Situationel crime prevention - Policing - Offender oriented (criminal) justice interventions How to put this knowledge into policy and practice Conclusions
Introduction and background An efective crime (prevention) policy is based upon reliable and validated knowledge It can only be drawn up using ’lessons from empirical knowledge’ from high-quality and edited research This presentation presents a systematic inventory and key outcomes of 260 recently published meta-evaluations Three knowledge domains: (1) situational crime prevention (2) policing (3) offender oriented (criminal) justice interventions
Aim of this presentation Offer insight and overview of proven effective criminal justice interventions and measures This insight must contribute to a policy that is effective in the criminal justice system Partly bridge the (traditional) gap between the policy arena, research and practice To make synoptic the apparent complex pile of empirical scientific studies out of three knowledge domains
Effective situational crime prevention: what works? It is easier to change places than people Opportunity makes the thief The raising of lighting levels in (semi) public spaces The use of CCTV in certain locations, aimed at specific crime categories The us of the Secured by Design instrument The raising of the general security level and the restructuring of residential areas The obligatory inbuilt of standard security measures during the production phase of consumer goods (cars, cameras, bicycles, mobile telephones) Limitation of the availability of alcohol / requirements to the set-up of catering industry / responsible serving The deployment of supervisors / informal-social control in housing complexes, public transport and public space
Effective policing: what works? Focused and selective strategy Problem oriented policing Focus on repeat victimization Hotspots policing Third party policing Focused deterrence strategies Hot offender / prolific offender strategy
Interpersonal skills training / self control mechanism Effective offender oriented (criminal) justice interventions: what works? Community sanctions Interpersonal skills training / self control mechanism Parental training / early prevention Cognitive-behavioral therapy Employment / job training Mentoring Drug / alcohol therapy within prison setting
How to put this knowledge into policy and practice? The incorrect or non-dissemination of knowledge is useless knowledge Within policy and practice there is a (large) obscurity with what is known The dissemination of available knowledge can be improved by: - Selecting the best channels to reach a target audience - Excellent style and design - Readable and understandabale products - Actively participate in bipartite discussions - Well-timed making available of knowledge - More interaction between research / policy and practice by organizing expert sessions
Conclusions There is reason for optimism about what works as regards tackling crime and reducing reoffending A key characteristic of effective crime policy is that it is specific and concentrated: problem analysis and the use of available knowledge are the most important features A crime policy that is too general and based on a ’probable idea’ is not effective The outcomes of available international meta-evaluations can, after transformation to a specific country, be successfully implemented However, large-scale national application of the implementation of existing knowledge and effective measures seems to be difficult to get off the ground Implementing measures which limit the opportunity structure to commit crimes appears to be more effective than using an exclusive offender-oriented approach