SAS University Edition A free virtual application of SAS!
How do I get it? To download SAS University go to: You will need to download two things: VMware player/fusion or Oracle VirtualBox (unless you already have compatible virtualization software) SAS University Edition
What next? Before you can get started there are 2 steps: On your computer create a folders called “SASUniversityEdition” and in that create a subfolder called “myfolders” Share “myfolders” with your VMXplayer To share “myfolder”: Go into Vmware Player and select the SAS University Edition vApp Click Edit virtual machine settings In the options tab, select Shared Folders In the folder sharing area select Always enabled Add a new shared folder by clicking Add. In the name of the Shared folder step, click browse and select the “myfolders”
How is SAS University Edition different? 2 ways SAS University Edition is different: The structure of your LIBNAME statement. You need to use a LIBNAME statement that points to the shared folder Ex: If I have a folder on my C: drive called: C:\SASUniversityEdition\myfolders My LIBNAME statement would be: libname test '/folders/myfolders'; Note: the slashes used in the LIBNAME statement are NOT windows slashes (back slashes) High performance procedures and some advanced statistical graphics are not available in SAS University
More Questions? For more information visit: edition/faq/main.htm