CBEDS/ORA Overview The CBEDS submission is an annual aggregate collection of student and staff data It is composed of two forms: the CDIF (County District Information Form) which collects data on staff hires, graduation requirements, and classified staff The SIF (Student Information Form) which collects data on classified staff, program options, technology, educational calendar, parental EL waivers, bilingual paraprofessionals, and SIG schools
Submission Requirements The CDIF Form is ONLY required to be submitted by each county office of education and each district, even if a district is only composed of one school (single- school district) The SIF Form must submitted by every K-12 school This applies to all LEAs and independently reporting charter schools
CBEDS/ORA Deadlines The Online Reporting Application for CBEDS will begin allowing data input on October 5, 2011 The deadline for submission of CBEDS data is October 28 th, 2011 Final amendments to any CBEDS data must be submitted to the state by January 13, 2012
To access the SIF and CDIF Forms go to : Administration->State Reporting->CBEDS-ORA Begin by choosing the SIF Compliance
Section A of the SIF should show only staff whose job classification has been marked as classified or is undefined. It is common for these staff members to not have and SEID. However, all other fields should be filled out and green.
The Educational Options section reflects the number of students you have enrolled in various programs. These options are defined in SpSIS under Administration->Settings- >Program Options and Administration->Settings->Special Program Options. If you see a 0 listed under a Program Option in the Educational Options section and you believe you should have students in this program please contact your Account Manager at and they will walk you through correctly setting up these programs.
Edits to the Technology Section can be made by going to Administration->Settings->Set District Information
Edits to the Calendar Section can be made by going to Administration->Settings->Set District Information
The number of EL Waivers that have been requested by parents and granted by the school are tracked in the students Accommodations section under the EL tab. There is a section within the EL information called Waiver (if any) and status and date are tracked here.
Section F talks refers to any Bilingual Paraprofessionals you employ that are currently servicing EL students. This information is tracked in the Staff Info section on the individuals District Info. Tab. The second section on this page allows you to track if this staff member is providing support to an EL learner/s.
Section G asks you to estimate the number of new hires in each subject area that you will add for the school year. These positions can be new or vacated by other teachers. The next sections ask you to delineate graduation requirements generally and then specific mathematic and science lab requirements. To enter any numbers for the above sections simply click on the area that says Not Entered and you will be directed to the screen where this can be input.
Additional Key Links and Resources CBEDS Login Website: CBEDS Training Manual CBEDS Administrative Manual doc doc