Let’s Rate Our Solids! 2nd Grade Beamers Rate Your Solids Let’s Rate Our Solids! 2nd Grade Beamers http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/7_8/characteristics_materials.shtml
Flexible If a solid is flexible, it will be able to bend under pressure without breaking. Some examples are rubber erasers, blinds, and your jacket. Can you think of more examples?
Strong If a solid is strong, it will not break if a heavy force hits it. Some examples of strong solids are your desk and a brick wall. Can you think of more examples? Picture from: http://www-jkn.ee.uec.ac.jp/tnklab/96/nakazawa/icons/texture/download/brick.gif
Transparent A transparent solid will allow you to see through it. Some examples of transparent solids are a cystal glass and clear plastic bottles. Can you think of more examples? http://www.francesandcompany.com/gbd/Jade%20Glass%20Arch%20Flame.htm
Waterproof A waterproof solid will not melt or tear if it becomes wet. In fact, the water will sit on top of the solid. Some examples of waterproof solids are vinyl tablecloths and paper clips. Can you think of more examples?
Test Your Knowledge We have learned many clues on solids and their characteristics. Using you skills, click on the picture below to play a game that tests your knowledge!