MRS. ROMEO West Deptford 18 years 16 years in classroom, 2 years Literacy Coach 5th grade team leader (5B) married mom of two active children (age 8 & 10) family enjoys spending time at the Jersey Shore, the Poconos, baseball/soccer fields & in our backyard! Two important things about me: We’re in this together I love what I do!
Homeroom Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Period 6 Period 7 Period 8 Silent Reading ELA Special Math Recess/Lunch SS/Science Activities
Time: Period 7 A. History 1. Colonization of Southern, Middle, and New England Colonies 2. Events leading to the Revolutionary War 3. The Revolutionary War 4. Forming of a new government- Declaration and Constitution B. 1st and 2nd MP Organization- Folder, notebook, and computer files will be used to save papers and information.
Time: Period 7 Areas of study include- A. Structure and Properties of Matter B. Matter and Energy in Ecosystems C. Earth and Space Systems D. 3rd and 4th MP Organization- Folder, notebook, and computer files will be used to save papers and information.
Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Grammar. Time: morning (Periods 1 and 3) Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Grammar.
Reading Street anthology offers complex short stories which focus on comprehension skills and strategies Stories will be read with guided instruction as a whole group or small group, or independently Novels (chapter books) A variety of genres – fiction and nonfiction Emphasis on fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and written responses to literature 6 . Benchmark Tests: Link It 7. Read at home! It is the single most important thing we can do for our children academically! *We have to show children we value reading by doing it ourselves! We make time for things we value.
3. Grammar Lessons Types of Writing a. Narrative b. Opinion c. Expository/ Informational (compare/contrast, research) Writing Lessons: a. Learn something new about writing- minilesson b. Look at samples of quality writing (mentor texts) c. Practice it in our writing (imitate) d. Share what we’re proud of (celebrate) 3. Grammar Lessons 4. Vocabulary & Word Study (Greek/Latin roots, affixes, etc)) 5. Sentence Structure
All spelling work is to be completed in ELA composition book. Spelling tests will be given on Fridays- (biweekly) paper & online. -Lessons will concentrate on the pronunciation, usage, and spelling pattern -Phonics based -Homework practice throughout the week -Challenge words will count as extra credit on the test
GYM: Twice a week (Day 5 and 6 all year)with Mrs. Ramagli GYM: Twice a week (Day 5 and 6 all year)with Mrs. Ramagli. Health- one marking period MUSIC: ½ a year (Day 1 & 2) ART : ½ a year Applied Technology (4 classes) : one marking period each Engineering Design, Digital Design (3D printers), Intro to Coding, Spanish (Day 3 &4) *D.A.R.E- 10 meetings, usually starts in Jan.
Activities After school clubs from 2:55-3:35; start week of Sept 19th. Mrs. Trampe sent an email with a link Late buses are provided- depart about 3:45 Band with Mr. Greene Choir with Mrs. Daly Gifted and Talented Program day 4,5 and 6 during 8th period **Encourage your child to get involved!!**
Written on back board daily. Also posted on class Weebly. Student’s responsibility to copy everything teacher writes Homework checked daily for completion Homework Incentive Chart- a stamp is received if all homework is complete. It acts as a homework pass once it is full. Plan to spend about 20-30 minutes each night on homework. Time will provided in school occasionally
Dehart’s -Walk to “pick” pumpkins - October Historic Philadelphia- November Heritage’s Walk- end of year picnic
Organization -Folder/notebook for most subjects. We will usually clean out folders together in class at the start of a new marking period. -Take Home Folder (school info, handouts) -Agenda Book: Please check daily and sign on Friday. I will circle/ stamp an assignment if it wasn’t completed -Sign self-reflection on Fridays -Sign and return all graded papers.
B. Behavior Modification. -Dot cards: Dots are awarded for positive B. Behavior Modification -Dot cards: Dots are awarded for positive behaviors! -Consequences include teaching warning, recess detention, parent phone call or note sent home. In severe cases, administration will handle consequences. -Behavior modification methods may change throughout the year to keep kids motivated. -Winning Wings to encourage schoolwide positive behaviors
C. Report Cards & Interim Reports Conferences- -December 11-14 -Parent, teacher, and child participation -Goal of this conference style is to make students responsible for their learning -Forty-five minute time slots. Plan accordingly! You will sign up for a conference online at a later date.
D. Make-up work -Call Attendance Office to report absences -If absent for one day, your child can complete make- up work when he/she returns to school. -Long term absences call Guidance office to request work - Ms. Beck, 5th grade counselor
E. Lockers -Please practice combination at home with your child (right, left, right) -We will begin using lockers next week- Sept 19
F. Laptops - Must be charged every night at home and brought to school every day in the school issued bag - Used as a learning tool by your WDMS student, not a toy, not a family computer
Yes, we celebrate birthdays in 5th grade! Rather than food, let’s try: A solid colored t -shirt for classmates to sign Poster board for messages to your child A favorite book to be signed by classmates
Please Keep in Mind… This is a transitional year for your child. A strong emphasis will be placed on responsibility, organization, cooperation, and independence. TOGETHER, we will be your child’s biggest supporters as they venture on this middle school journey!
Contact me… **Please feel free to contact me by phone, email, letter or REMIND if you have any questions or concerns. Phone: 848-1200 phone ext. 3026 Email: dromeo@wdeptford.k12.nj.us This presentation is available on the class Weebly (website). www.romeowdms.weebly.com
Before you leave tonight: Write a Motivating Message to your child Join our class REMIND *see handout* Visit your child’s math teacher- 3rd period Complete the Parent Night Quiz Stop by the cafeteria Take ALL papers home from your child’s desk
Our Class
Practice and Assessment: 1. Daily Lesson with practice and problem solving; Friday stations Quizzes/ assessments throughout units 3. Chapter Tests - class review prior to testing 4. Homework practice daily M-Th. A weekly homework grade will be entered into Power Teacher. * Grade Log will require a weekly signature 5. Online Tools: EnVisions website, tutorials, assessments, homework, Moby Max 6. Benchmark Tests: EnVisions pre/ post test, Link It (3x a year)
Advanced Math: EnVisions Math series: student journal & online component Curriculum was updated this summer and is aligned with NJSLS standards. We will progress through 5th grade standards at an accelerated pace, while reviewing all basic operations. During the fourth marking period, our primary focus will be 6th grade standards. Introduction to some above grade-level standards andconcepts Strong emphasis on organization, accountability, and independence Content includes: place value, multiplication, division, decimals, order of operations, fractions, units of measure, volume, graphing, geometry, ratios, and rational/ irrational numbers
Contact me… **Please feel free to contact me by phone, email, letter or REMIND if you have any questions or concerns. Phone: 848-1200 phone ext. 3026 Email: dromeo@wdeptford.k12.nj.us This presentation is available on the class Weebly (website). www.romeowdms.weebly.com