The Past Progressive We use the past progressive tense to say that something was happening around a particular time in the past. The action or state began before this particular time, but had not yet finished:
For example: I was watching television at 9 o'clock last night. (This means I started watching TV before 9 o'clock and I finished after 9 o'clock).
It is used to describe what someone was doing at a particular point in time. Q) "What were you doing at 7.30 last night?“ A) "I was watching television."
We often use the past progressive tense and the past simple tense together. The past continuous is used to "set the scene", or provide (longer) background information. The past simple is used to speak about shorter actions that happened in the middle of the longer action, or that interrupted it:
I was watching television when the neighbours came to visit. Past progressive I was watching television when the neighbours came to visit. Past simple
The young couple were walking home together after the party The young couple were walking home together after the party. They were holding hands and were speaking excitedly about their plans. Suddenly, something moved in the shadows …
We tend to use the past progressive tense to speak about more temporary situations and actions, while we use the past simple to refer to more permanent ones: Compare: She was living with her parents until she found a new flat. with 2. She worked in the bookshop for 41 years.
Write out the following sentences and choose the correct form of the verb, the past simple or the past continuous. Do the first one with your teacher.
They _____(to sit) at platform 2 when the train _______(to arrive).
His friend ______(to get) into the car and ______(to drive off) without him. 2. The man ______(to fall) as he _____ (to climb) the mountain. Sam ______(to get into) the car, _____(to drive off) and _____(to hit) the bollard. She _____(to grab) her lunch and _____(to put) it in her school bag. She _____(to walk along) the pavement _____(to read) her library book when she _____(to bump) into her teacher.