Jock Itch and Hair Growth Treatment: Connected?


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Presentation transcript:

Jock Itch and Hair Growth Treatment: Connected?

One of the more promising recent trends has been growing acceptance of bald heads as desirable. Many men now shave their heads because they and those around them perceive it as sensual. But there are still plenty of bald or balding men who take the opposite approach, using hair growth treatments to try to stimulate new growth. It’s definitely a personal decision, but in some rare cases opting for hair growth treatments may possibly bring about a minor male organ health concern: jock itch.male organ health

Hair growth There are many different kinds of hair growth treatments out there, but one of the most popular is the tablet finasteride. Marketed under a number of brand names, finasteride was originally created as a treatment for enlarged prostates. However, it has also been approved for use in treating hair loss. According to Wikipedia, use of finasteride slows down hair loss and can improve hair retention by about 30% over a six-month period. So it’s easy to see why men who are experiencing hair loss concerns may investigate finasteride as part of their hair growth plan. Of course, just about every medication has some side effect or potential side effect, although exactly what that effect may be depends very much on the individual person. There have, however, been a few reports from individuals taking this medication that have subsequently developed jock itch.

These reports are not published in medical journals, so they haven’t been scientifically verified. It may be that these people developed jock itch for reasons having nothing to do with hair growth treatments. However, finasteride does seem to have some effect on hormone production, and hormones do seem to have an effect on fungal development (and jock itch is a fungus). But all this is very murky and unclear right now. Still, it’s worth knowing so that a man who is using finasteride can keep an eye out for signs of jock itch and treat it properly if it does appear.

Jock itch As mentioned, jock itch is a fungus, essentially a yeast infection. As the name implies, the primary characteristic is an itchiness which can be quite severe at times. Jock itch is not especially serious, but it can be very annoying. Jock itch most often occurs in the midsection, including the thighs. It presents as a red, ring-shaped rash. The fungus thrives in warm, moist areas, so the manhood and its environs are ideal for its growth. It is spread from person to person contact, or from coming into contact with surfaces or materials used by a person with the fungus. In men, jock itch is often spread by sharing towels or clothing. It is also a close cousin of athlete’s foot, so treating athlete’s foot can help prevent jock itch. Often a person may scratch his itchy foot and then scratch his midsection, transferring the fungus in the process.

Over-the-counter treatments can help get rid of the fungus that causes jock itch. Other medications may soothe the itching while the rash is still present.

Jock itch, whether there’s a possible hair growth connection or not, is a major pain. It can be helpful to use a first rate male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to help soothe the itchiness and keep the male organ skin healthy and strong. It’s best to find a crème that contains a combination of superior moisturizing agents, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator). Manhood skin also needs protection from the oxidative stress that excess free radicals can cause. A crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid can be a big help in this area.male organ health crème