The best and worst states for working Mom’s Daycare
Most of the working Mom’s having children’s below age Child care 2.Professional Opportunity 3.Work life balance
Child care: Consider the childcare it comes under the 3 basic qualities such as: Daycare quality Child care cost Pediatrician cost capital School cost
It mainly speaks opportunity given to the both genders equally or partially. Gender pay gap - salary for both genders may vary. Ratio of the male and female executive Share of families in poverty Female unemployment rate Gender - Represent gap rate in different economics sector
Work life balance Work life balance is depends upon the professional and personal values. Parents leave policy score Average length of female working in a week (in hours) Women’s average commute time (in a week)
States in USA: According to this find the best day care systems states in USA: New York North Dakota Washington Oklahoma Texas Lowest child care cost according to the median women’s income: Mississippi South Carolina Louisiana South Dakota
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