B Y D EXTERITY SO L U TIO N Multi Vendor Ecommerce Solution, Multivendor e-commerce.


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Presentation transcript:

B Y D EXTERITY SO L U TIO N Multi Vendor Ecommerce Solution, Multivendor e-commerce Software, Multi-Vendor Marketplace Script

A B O U T In the business sector, all prefer to do online shopping in order to make their shopping easier. We implemented the Multivendor e- commerce Software. Let the vendors get into your store and there they can categorize their own products and sales in a common marketplace website. You can have a number of vendors at your store and you can establish more and more vendors.

T A G S  Multi Vendor Ecommerce Solution  Multivendor e-commerce Software  Multi-Vendor Marketplace Script

S U M M A R YS U M M A R Y In the business sector, all prefer to do online shopping in order to make their shopping easier. We implemented the Multivendor e-commerce Software.Let the vendors get into your store and there they can categorize their own products and sales in a common marketplace website. You can have a number of vendors at your store and you can establish more and more vendors.Multivendor e-commerce Software The products from different vendors will appear at your Multi-Vendor Marketplace Script and the users can do shopping at your website. In Multi-Vendor E-commerce Solution, each of them can manage their own admin section and arrange the products and settings according to their wish. There is no interacting or interfere with vendors according to their product and sales. The main administrator can have full control of the products listings, sales, and transactions.Multi-Vendor E-commerce Solution

S U M M A R YS U M M A R Y In Multivendor e-commerce Software transaction happens between the main admin and the one who buys the product. At last the payments are distributed to each vendor based on the product sold through the admin. Every vendor can manage their own records of products sold and transaction history for every product. Admin can set his own commission rates and auctions for the products displayed. The Multi-Vendor Marketplace Script is highly customizable where you can modify the homepage banners, categories, ids, contact details and other necessary information. It is the best Multi-Vendor E-commerce Solution supports more products such as gadgets, home appliances etc. Multi-Vendor Marketplace Script

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