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1 When a book is brailled in textbook style, the braille page numbers are placed at the ____, right-hand corner of the pageand the print page numbers are placed in the top right-hand corner of the page.
1 bottom 17.7b Home
2 True or False: When a new print page is started at the top of a braille page, the print page number is brailled in the last cells of the first line, with no fewer than four blank cells left between the page number and the running head.
2 False, three blank cells 17.7b
3 Consecutive braille page numbers are placed in the last cells of the last line on every page, leaving room for at least ____ blank cells between the last word and the page number.
3 three 17.7b
4 True or False: The print page change indicator is a line of unspaced dots 25 that starts at the left-hand margin and continues all the way across the page to the new print page number.
4 False, dots b
5 True or False: No space is left between the print page change indicator and the first symbol of the print page number.
5 True 17.7b
6 True or False: Under no circumstance should a series of page numbers be erased and corrected.
6 True 17.7c
7 If a braille page number has been omitted, insert the ____ sign (dot 5) unspaced before the page number that follows the omission.
7 omission 17.7d
8 If it is found that a braille page number has been repeated in work that was generated on a braillewriter or slate and stylus, insert the ____ sign (dots 56) unspaced before the repeated page number.
8 repetition 17.7c
9 True or False: When used, the omission sign must be listed on the special symbols page.
9 True 17.7d