Preventing a Sore Male Organ: Tips


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Presentation transcript:

Preventing a Sore Male Organ: Tips

When a guy’s male organ feels good, sensual activity feels good – whether it’s sensual activity with a partner or with himself. (That’s one of the primary reasons why men make it a habit of keeping an eye on their member health.) But when a man has a sore organ, it can have a big impact on his sensual activity. Sometimes it makes it far less pleasurable; other times that soreness may keep a guy from having sensual activity altogether – and no man likes that, especially when the sensual urge is strong within him. Still, the occasional sore male organ is a fact of life for just about every man, so let’s investigate a few tips to help prevent or treat a sore manhood.member health

Tips - Don’t be afraid of lubrication. One of the most causes of a sore male organ is rawness due to friction, and that tends to result from engaging in sensual activity – partner-based or solo – without sufficient lubrication. Yes, the member does tend to produce sensual fluid which provides some lubrication, and yes, a woman’s body also creates natural lubricants. But in many cases, this is not sufficient to the task at hand. Some men (and women) feel embarrassed at needing to use a lubricant, but doing so can play a big role in preventing a sore male organ.

- Reapply the lubricant. Some guys are good at using an initial dose of lubricant, but then don’t reapply it if it gets worn off. Granted, it’s not so romantic to stop some great sensual activity to withdraw the member and re-lubricate it; but doing so pays off in the long run. And if a guy is engaging in very length sensual activity – and especially self- stimulating for an extended period of time – reapplication is key. - Engage in preplay. One reason why some couples need to utilize lubricant is because they skimp on the preplay, which thus impairs their bodies’ ability to produce their own lubricants. Spending some extra time on preplay can in many cases negate the need for additional lubrication.

- Use a well-fitting rubber protection. A rubber protection that fits correctly is important for several reasons; one of them is that it can contribute to soreness, especially if it is too tight. In addition, rubber protection use greatly decreases the chances of getting a social disease, which can in turn cause a seriously sore male organ. - Relax the grip. One of the most valuable tips for self-pleasuring: Don’t use a grip that is too tight for too long. This can create a friction situation that rubs the member raw, leading both to soreness and to a loss of sensitivity in the manhood, which no guy wants.

- Switch things up. For those men whose sensual escapades continue at length, it often helps to switch positions once or twice. Trying a new position means that different parts of the manhood will receive stimulation, and this may help prevent the over-stimulation that can lead to a sore male organ. - Communicate. Often a partner may be making moves or otherwise handling the manhood in an undesirable way. It pays to speak up about what doesn’t feel good – and what does – so the partner can make changes as necessary.

These tips can help prevent a sore male organ, but what happens if a guy gets soreness anyway? Assuming the cause is related to basic overuse, application of a first rate member health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be beneficial. Overworked member skin needs to be remoisturized, so the ideal crème will contain two moisturizing agents, such as Shea butter (an acclaimed emollient) and vitamin E (one of nature’s best hydrators). The skin also needs to be strengthened, which a crème with a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, can supply. The antioxidant will attack excess free radicals that can cause oxidative stress.member health crème