WISC IV has five main areas that are; Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI), Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI), Working Memory Index (WMI), Processing Speed Index (PSI), and Full Scale scores.
Assessments are aimed at the Youth Age Sex Race/Ethnicity Education Level Geographic Region
Revisions and Changes Goal 1: Continuity and Familiarity Goal 2: Updating of Norms Goal 3: Extension of Age Range Goal 4: Age-Corrected Norms Goal 5: Improved Item Content Goal 6: Improved Stimulus Materials
Whats the WISC IV all about? “Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment.” – Global because it characterizes individual’s behavior as a whole – Aggregate because it is composed of elements or abilities that are qualitatively differentiable
Also the picture perfect test? This is a criterion referenced test. Based on single results also in spanish Vocabulary Picture naming items in the Stimulus Book provide a lower floor Vocabulary words are now displayed in Stimulus Book, in addition to being read aloud Block Design Reduced time bonus Timed and untimed norms are now provided Arithmetic Reduced requirement for math knowledge on the Arithmetic subtest No time bonus No text items Picture counting retained for subtest floor A few more subtests were added to block design
Scores reporting Four Composite Scores In order to make interpretation more clinical meaningful, the dual IQ and Index structure from WISC–III has been replaced with a single system of four composite scores (consistent with the Four Index Scores in WISC–III) and the Full Scale IQ. This new system helps you better understand a child’s needs in relation to contemporary theory and research in cognitive information processing. The WISC®–IV provides four index scores: Verbal Comprehension Perceptual Reasoning Working Memory Processing Speed
Children made and updated criterion An easy made test
A full glance Administration: Paper-and-pencilCompletion Time: Core subtests: minutes Scores: FSIQ, Index Scores, and Subtest Scaled Scores showing Scoring Options: Scoring Assistant® software, Report Writer™ software, or hand scoring Report Options: Score, Client, and Interpretive Software Available: Yes Qualification level: C-Level Publication Date: 2003 Ages / Grades: Children 6:0–16:11 Norms: Scaled Scores by age, Index Scores, Full-Scale IQ
Finding other disabilities Ability to find assessments Ability to achieve on a daily test schedule Finds out ADHD or early signs of Autism Helps for Career developments Early childhood education Responses to RTI or behavior threat Others find specially speech or language need
Costs totaling $$655 WISC-IV Writer$ WISC-IV Scoring Assistant Upgrade to WISC-IV Writer$ The worthiness is based by the production sources and owners of the professional educational society of the Pearson’s Assessment and Production Company Final thoughts; great for special education
A new edition Weschler went to work right after the world war II, it has dealt with processing speed to today Designing instruments he has produced more than 40 to 50 education and technology tests Wisc-IV is divided into 15 subtests and four major. It has the same processing speed as the Wais-III. It may occur with results or interruptions, but both composite score in Comprehensive, and Perceptional reasoning that tells a person IQ