5 Positive Benefits Of Storytelling For Your Kid
Storytelling is an art which means reading out loud stories to children or just simply telling a story from the memory to children. Is is as simple and easy as reading a story from a book. But this art is getting lost as many parents get only a little time to spend with their kids as the bustle and hustle of everyday life demands them to find more time for the needs and wants of life. 1. Introduction
1. Encourage Imagination Power and Creativity Perfect storytelling can encourage the power of imagination and creativity of your child. Listening to a story helps your child imagine the places, plots and characters etc in mind instead watching them visually. Strong imagination is the key to enhanced creativity and kids can be trained in several ways to develop strong imagination skills.
2. Develop Listening Skills Storytelling can enrich the development of listening skills that will surely benefit your child all his/her life. Most kids have a lesser attention span and it is difficult for them to concentrate on a particular topic for long. Some children end up chatting more than listening to other. Storytelling ensures that your child is not only more attentive but is also more interested to listen more carefully and understand.
As a responsible parent with the help of certain new ideas, you can use storytelling to sharpen your child’s memory. After reading out loud the story, ask your child to repeat and describe the same story after some days. This is a creative and fun way to encourage his/her concentration while sharpening the memory. 3. Sharpens Memory
Storytelling allows kids to experience different traditions, worlds and countries, helping them develop an appreciation of the different world and countries cultures. You can also tell your child stories from your childhood and about traditional celebrations and activities. This will definitely make them more aware and familiar about different traditions and customs of your family. 4. Culture and Roots Awareness
When you read out loud the stories to your child, it helps in making your child more familiarize with your daily used language as well as learn new phrases and words. This is the best way to improve the verbal proficiency of your child on a regular basis. Which kid doesn’t love reading and listening to stories? Storytelling forms an essential part overall development of your child’s personality. Aside from the above mentioned benefits, there are many other benefits of storytelling for your child. 5. Improves Verbal Proficiency
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