© 2018 Global Market Insights, Inc. USA. All Rights Reserved Advanced Glass Market Update, Analysis, Forecast, 2017 – 2024
Global Market Scenario of Advanced Glass Industry Advanced Glass Market is set to surpass USD 110 billion by 2024; according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc Advanced Glass Market Global advanced glass market should surpass 85 million tons at end of Rapid industrialization & urbanization rate in China, Brazil, and India along with favorable government schemes to boost infrastructure development will support growth of housing, construction and automotive industries, thereby stimulating advanced glass market demand. Rising environmental concerns pertaining to carbon emissions and energy efficiency along with shift in consumer preference towards green buildings and safety products should positively influence advanced glass market growth. Enormous movement of migrants to western countries with regulations regarding environmental concerns enforced by REACH and EPA for residential and non-residential buildings, should drive advanced glass market demand. Introduction of guidelines by LEED and FEMA pertaining to safety applications along with rise in per-capita middle class disposable income and living standards of consumers have further surged advanced glass market demand. © 2018 Global Market Insights, Inc. USA. All Rights Reserved
Laminated glass market demand from automotive windshield application should register gains at over 6.5% by These products are widely used in the windscreens as they offer improved driver vision during bad climatic conditions such as ice, rain, mud and fog. The products are resistant to impact and shock with the ability to absorb sun rays up to 99.9% and minimize UV transmission. Increasing automotive manufacturing base in China and India, and established transport industry in Europe along with visibility & visual comfort, thermal comfort, acoustic comfort, style and taste of these products in vehicles should positively impact advanced glass market demand. Key raw materials such as natural gas, soda ash and silica along with specialized mechanical and chemical methods are used in the production process. Demand supply deficit of these raw materials and processing cost of the product according to customer requirement may hinder advanced glass market price trend. Toughened glass market demand from greenhouse applications should surpass USD 1 billion during the projected timespan. The product is used for both walls and roofs for agricultural greenhouses. Superior properties such as high transparency & high conductivity of light and heat along with allowance to trap energy into greenhouse to warm air, plants & water, should catalyze advanced glass market growth. Continue:- © 2018 Global Market Insights, Inc. USA. All Rights Reserved
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North America, with steady growth in the U.S. advanced glass market size should surpass 2 billion square meters during the forecast period. Shift in builder’s trends towards environmental protection, safety, natural insulation and security in the buildings along with widespread of usage of recyclable and environmental friendly materials should positively influence regional industry growth. Advanced glass possesses various characteristics such as superior solar control performance, transmission and absorption properties, thereby enhancing the energy effectiveness of the buildings, resulting into increased advanced glass market demand. Low emissivity coated glass market demand from automotive windshield applications may exceed USD 3.2 billion by The product provides high strength and does not break up into small sharp pieces in case of accidents. Low E offers low surface emissivity and it absorbs and re-radiates less light and heat, thus making it suitable for automotive windscreen applications. Increased R&D spending on development of these products and being used in automotive rear and side view mirrors which should drive advanced glass market size. 360° Industry Analysis © 2018 Global Market Insights, Inc. USA. All Rights Reserved Request for customization:
UK coated glass market size from non-residential buildings should witness significant gains close to 3% during the foreseeable timeframe. Stringent regulations by EU Commission pertaining to energy savings and CO2 emissions along with enhanced usage of product in hospitals, commercial buildings, offices and institutions to minimize the use of air conditioners and promote renewable energy resources should fuel regional advanced glass market growth. India advanced glass market size from solar control glass applications is likely to register growth close to 5.5% during the projected timespan. These products permit sunlight to pass through them, but restricting the solar heat inside the building. Competitive Analysis: Prominent manufacturers in advanced glass market space include NSG, Guardian Industries, Saint-Gobain, Glaze-Tech Industries, PPG Industries, AGC, and Sisecam Group. Industry participants are focusing on R&D to develop and expand product range and making strategies to size up production capacities to strengthen regional and global presence. © 2018 Global Market Insights, Inc. USA. All Rights Reserved Make An Inquiry To Purchase This Regional Analysis:
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