Personality Development
Introduction Everyone is born unique. everyone has a distinct is simply refers to the persons characteristics,attitudes & traits which make him/ her identity. It is relatively abiding impression of thoughts, which makes you different from the others. or Personality development is totally of an individual behaviour,attitude, ego and social rules.
Good personality Good physique. Pleasing manner. Appearance. Intelligence. Smartness. Reliable for every situation. Be professional
Tips for personality development Listen more,. speak less, say more. Always ready to take responsibities. Be grateful.
Good Personality needs The basic need of personality development is that an individual should have a:- Healthy body Healthy mind
Some another tips :- Be confident :- confidence is the main factor of the personality development which add one to the personality. some people develop inferiority complexity due to their physical appearance, caste and religion.
Another tips:- Handle your emotion:- Always stay positive in life. staying positive in life will help you to face various challenges Be more passionate:- it is also a one of the factor of the personality development. The best way to get any work done is by being passionate about it. praise one in front of you :- When we praise someone’s The importance of personality development is to booting your confidence and build enthusiasm and everyone need to improve him/her personality.
Another tips:-. Leader quality:- it is also the one of the factor of personality development.It is the one of the quality that how you can manage the subordinates to assign the particular task and complete your work in a time. A good leader consider to be that should have good personality Dress up well:- there is no harm in putting efforts to dress up smartly. but one of the most important thing that is your dressing sense. A person should wear acc to the situation and acc to what will suit him/her. A person with good look no doubt add to your personality but how you dress up it matter most. Develop the patience quality:-it is the one of the most difficult quality in this fast paced and anxious world. it also one of the quality that help how to deal with the situation.