Education in the diversity Escape from slavery, which is never planned is succeeded in making the Ignorant man smart
Brown vs. Board 1954 Topeka, Kansas, rules its unconstitutional for black students not to be able to attend school. The supreme court justice Marshall becomes a judge Wilberforce University, the first black school of higher learning owned and operated by African Americans, founded by the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Its president, Daniel A. Payne, became the first African American University president in the country. Read moreAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church
The African-American milestone After the post-civil war reconstruction there was a brief black coded law keeping the blacks as they were referred to from learning and on the farm. Frederick Douglass assumes paper position and early NAACP before Frederick Douglass Patterson establishes the United Negro College Fund to help support black colleges and black students. Read more: Milestones in African American Education (End)
From Baltimore to the shores of CA Hispanic history relates from shores to shore Rancheros and pueblos were the first citizens. Hispanic American took place in the Bear Flagger’s Revolt in California 1846 that gave Independence to schools, counties, and territory Immigration from farmers in the pueblos known as small homes, brought a large Hispanic influx
Mendez vs. Westminster The 1947 desegregation court case about Sylvia Mendez family of Hispanic origin brought the first tools for children and further Separations laws against diverse races. Schools were later combined to fit the different races combined with white schools with regular books, supplies, and lesson plans.
Plessy vs.. Ferguson 1896 the U.S. Supreme court decided that the Louisiana railroads and the different races of the state was unconstitutional to infrastructure. This was the beginning to the end of the post civil war reconstruction Separate utilities, facilities, and blood was were a step up from the black codes, but not nearly as far fetched as the rest of the rights.
The chains of slavery to the free act The emancipation proclamation was by far the first stepping stone for African American history The story starts with the legal restitution for the bondage of slavery. A great lawyer later president Abraham Lincoln 1863 brought the first civil and liberty rights for African Americans
African American policy The civil rights activities' the discovery for college with the works of Martin Luther Jr. King and others. The most important part of the movement towards school integration was due to the little rock nine. The Alabama court over- turned with the national guard any attempts to stop African americans attending college
Women suffrage for school and votes In 1878, when the 19 th amendment was first introduced in Congress, and August 18, 1920, when it was ratified, champions of voting rights for women worked tirelessly, but strategies for achieving their goal varied. Some pursued a strategy of passing suffrage acts in each state-- nine western states adopted woman suffrage legislation by some challenged male-only voting laws in the court. Suffragist used tactics with school protest against the women Wyoming
African American history Douglass, Frederick- former slave, education in the North after granted freedom, become law aide to Lincoln, Slavery proved injustice. Starts First foundation for African American colleges and education, points out slavery as injustice Pushes slaves out of the boundaries of south through the great migration north.