Phosphorus cycle
Phosphorus an important element for all forms of life Phosphate - As phosphate (PO4), it makes up an important part of the structural framework that holds DNA and RNA together. a critical component of ATP
Steps in phosphorus cycle 1. Overtime, rain, weathering, and soil erosion cause rocks to release phosphate ions and other minerals. 2. This releases inorganic phosphate into different soils and water. 3. Plants and other organisms take up this inorganic phosphate from the soil it was released into, which then consumed by other animals. 4. Once consumed, the phosphate is incorporated into DNA, and other organic molecules. 5. once, this animal dies, it decays and then again the now organic phosphate is returned back into the soil. 6. With in the soil, there is the process of mineralization. 7. Then this phosphorus in soil can end up in water ways then eventually in ocean water. There it is incorporated in sediments again