Manhood Pain from Posterior Coupling: Some Tips


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Presentation transcript:

Manhood Pain from Posterior Coupling: Some Tips

Not such a big secret: Men (except some who are into certain fetishes) don’t like manhood pain. Manhood pain can not only be a cause for concern about member health, it can also just get in the way of enjoying coupling or even simply getting through the day. That’s why knowing more about potential causes of manhood pain is important. This article is going to focus on possible manhood pain that may result from posterior coupling.member health For the purposes of this piece, we are going to assume that the man is the partner who is “giving” posterior coupling to the other, rather than being the one who is receiving the posterior activity.

Basics It appears that instances of posterior coupling are on the rise. Certainly it is common among the gay community, with some surveys indicating that 90% of gay men have participated in receiving posterior coupling. And another survey indicates that 40% of women between the ages of 20 and 24 have been receptive (up from 16% in the early 1990s). Posterior coupling refers to the insertion of the manhood into a partner’s posterior and the continued penetration of the posterior; essentially, the rear takes the place of the female organ during this form of sensual activity. In some cases, a manhood replica may be used rather than an actual male organ.

Manhood pain It is fairly clear from this brief description that posterior coupling has the potential to be painful for the person on the receiving end. But manhood pain can occur in the man who is doing the penetrating. Following are some potential causes of that pain. - Insufficient lubrication. In posterior coupling, even more so than in female organ coupling, it is absolutely crucial that sufficient lubrication is employed. Unlike with female organ penetration, the posterior does not produce its own lubricant to help ease things along.

- Tightness. Even with lots of lubrication, in some instances a man’s member may simply be too large to comfortably fit within the proffered space. This can lead to bruising on the manhood, or even to cuts and tearing. (As might be imagined, it can also cause considerable pain and issue for the person receiving the member as well.) - Bacteria. Sometimes, especially if no latex protection is employed, posterior coupling can result in bacteria entering the urethra and establishing an infection. - Social disease. Some serious social diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV and trichomoniasis can result from posterior coupling, especially if no latex protection is used. Some social diseases cause manhood pain.

So what can a guy do to help prevent manhood pain from posterior coupling? Two things are of primary importance: Use latex protections and plenty of lubrication – and make sure to reapply the lubrication if it wears off during the course of the activity. The latex protections can help to prevent social diseases and cuts and tearing; however, even with a latex protection, there is a risk of social disease transmission. And though latex protections cut down on the likelihood of bruising and cuts, they still can occur. Latex protections also are a big deterrent to bacteria seeping into the urethra and causing an infection.

It also helps if the partner has voided their bowels minutes in advance of engaging in activity and has thoroughly wiped and washed the posterior. Men who believe they have contracted a social disease or a urethral infection should consult with a doctor immediately to determine an appropriate course of treatment.

Sometimes the manhood pain caused by posterior coupling is simple soreness of the organ, and using a top drawer member health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help alleviate this soreness. The best crèmes for this purpose will include a combination of hydrating agents, ideally both Shea butter and vitamin E. Try to select one that also includes vitamin D, the so-called “miracle vitamin,” which has proven benefits in fighting diseases and supporting healthy cellular function.member health crème