Male Organ Bumps Could Be Ingrown Hairs


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Bumps Could Be Ingrown Hairs

Male organ bumps can be caused by many different factors and, depending on what the root cause is, may signify something serious. Very often, however, male organ bumps are a sign of a relatively benign issue and don’t mean a serious manhood health crisis is present. One reason for male organ bumps that may surprise men is simply ingrown hairs.manhood health

Ingrown hairs Ingrown hairs are hairs that get under the skin, become inflamed and create bumps. Most often ingrown hairs occur after a hair has been shaved or tweezed off. They are most frequently found in men with curly hair, as the curvature of the follicle makes it easier for it to grow back under the skin. When a razor cuts a curly hair, it creates a sharp ending; if the hair is cut at a point where it is curving inward, the sharp end is able to pierce the skin and grow inward. This is more likely to happen if the skin is being shaved while dry and if the skin is pulled tight while being shaved.

Known medically as pseudofolliculitis barbae, ingrown hairs that cause male organ bumps are much more common among men who shave their midsection area. (They also occur more commonly on the face and can occur on the torso, arms or legs, if a man shaves any of those body parts as well.) With manscaping becoming more popular, the potential for more male organ bumps from ingrown hairs is increasing. Ingrown hairs can be recognized from the following symptoms. Remember, a man does not need to have all the symptoms to have an ingrown hair.

- Small, rounded bumps - Small lesions that are filled with pus - Skin darkening in the affected area (also known as hyperpigmentation) - Pain and itching - Embedded hairs

Complications In addition to the possibility of male organ bumps, ingrown hairs can cause other complications. Because the bumps tend to itch, scratching too much can lead to irritation and a possible bacterial infection. In some cases, scratching may also lead to small cuts in the skin. For people who are so inclined, these cuts may turn into keloids, scarring that occurs in a “raised” form that tends to spread out over a greater area than the cut itself.

Prevention Men who manscape should take some precautions to help prevent ingrown hairs (and subsequent male organ bumps). These include: - Be sure to wash the area with warm water before shaving. - Find a gentle lubricating shaving cream (or gel); be sure it doesn’t contain harsh chemicals which might irritate the sensitive skin.

- Only use a sharp razor, never a dull one. After each stroke of the razor, rinse it clean. - Don’t pull the skin too tight while shaving. Ingrown hairs often resolve on their own. However, if the bumps continue, or if they become infected, contact a doctor to determine the best way of treating them.

Male organ bumps due to ingrown hairs are often accompanied by other male organ skin issues. Keep the member in better general health by regularly utilizing a first rate manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Male organ skin needs to be moisturized, so select a crème that includes both a high-end emollient (Shea butter is very good) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). In addition, enrich the skin by choosing a crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid. This will enable the skin to fight excess free radicals and thereby better avoid the heavy damage caused by oxidative stress. Keeping male organ skin strong and healthy can help keep the manhood strong and healthy.manhood health crème