Best offer from Medtek
Multiple blood chemistry testing One-step testing Results in two minutes or less Automatic calibration with inserted MEMo-Chip Check our cardiochek pa analyzer and purchase on medtek online storecardiochek pa analyzer
The CardioChek PA Cholesterol Testing Analyzer (PTS-1708) is a revolutionary test system for quickly measuring various blood components with a small sample size. Palm-sized test system offers a unique point-of-care tool for the monitoring of lipid profile and diabetes profile. The CardioChek® PA test system is one of the fastest, most cost-efficient, and user-friendly methods to accurately determine lipid and glucose values at the point of care. Handheld and battery-powered, the patient- friendly CardioChek PA Analyzer requires a small blood sample from a simple fingerstick. In as little as 90 seconds, the CardioChek PA test system provides values and measurements using the same technology as clinical laboratories. For More details visit –