Member Fillers for a Small Male Organ: Some Basic Facts


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Presentation transcript:

Member Fillers for a Small Male Organ: Some Basic Facts

Many men who take off their clothes and stand in front of a mirror like what they see. Others may find flaws, including what they perceive to be a small male organ. When a guy believes he has a small manhood, this can have an impact on his self-esteem, his self-confidence and his sensual life. Sometimes it can even have an impact on his male organ health, especially if he attempts to make his equipment larger by engaging in techniques which may do physical harm to the member. There are many techniques that claim to enlarge a small organ, some of which are harmless and some of which are not. One of the more recent developments in this area, and one which is increasing in popularity, is the use of member fillers.male organ health

Is small so bad? Before discussing member fillers, it pays to spend a little time talking about a man’s perception of his member as small. Very often a man may believe he has a small organ when in fact his manhood is perfectly adequate. Almost all organs, when firm, are of sufficient size to provide sensual pleasure to a partner, even if they are not “monster sized.” The emphasis on enormous male appendages is likely exacerbated by the omnipresence of online adult videos, which often features men with exceptionally large members or uses camera angles to give an impression of greater size. But even when a man does have a manhood that is somewhat on the small side, that doesn’t necessarily mean he is inadequate. A four inch member is perfectly capable of bringing about great pleasure in a partner, provided a man knows how to use it to its best advantage. Except in the cases of a true micro-member, skill counts for much more than size.

Member fillers Despite this, there are plenty of men who are anxious to make their manhood larger, and member fillers are one avenue some are pursuing. Basically, member fillers work the same way that “lip plumping” works. With lips, an injection of approved substances makes the lips fuller. With member fillers, several injections are made to insert a substance into the shaft to add to the girth of the manhood. (At this point, member fillers do not add to the length of the member.) An anesthetic is first applied to numb the member, and then several injections are made at various points along the shaft to ensure the filler is evenly spaced. Sometimes the procedure is repeated a couple of weeks later. When done properly, there is some soreness afterward, but not a great deal. The effects are not permanent, lasting usually three to six months.

It is very important to note that fillers are not FDA-approved for use in the member at all, and there are significant risks associated with this procedure. It should only be performed by a licensed plastic surgeon; many men have had their male organs injected with fillers that turned out to be toxic, which can be damaging and potentially fatal. In addition, there can be other risks, such as a potential “numbing” in the manhood or a misshapen look if the fillers do not spread out evenly. Bottom line: Men who believe they must use member fillers should do so with the knowledge that there can be complications.

Small manhood or large, and whether member fillers are used or not, a guy needs to utilize a top flight male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) for better member care. Choose a crème with both Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator) to provide double-moisturizing power for the male organ skin. The crème should also include vitamin D, which is made only in limited quantities in the body. Adding vitamin D can help boost its benefits to the manhood.male organ health crème