Classical Period 1750 – 1810
Composers Haydn 1732-1809 Mozart 1756-1791 Beethoven 1770-1827
Classic FM Quick Guide
The Orchestra The orchestra grew bigger… 2 flutes 2 horns 2 oboes 2 trumpets 2 clarinets 2 kettle drums 2 bassoons strings
Pianoforte Music for instruments more important than music for voice. Music was written for the pianoforte (piano for short) Hammers struck the strings rather than plucked … enter expression and dynamics
Alberti Bass Broken chords (1st, 5th, 3rd, 5th) repeated
As before… Instrumental: Symphony, Concerto & String quartet. Vocal: Opera, aria, chorus. TASK: You have two minutes to write down the definition of these concepts.
FORMS Binary Form (AB) - A form in which the music is made up of 2 different sections labelled A and B.
Forms… Ternary Form (ABA) A form where the 1st section is always repeated at the end. A B A
Forms… Theme & Variations A theme (tune) is heard, then repeated with slight variations. Twinkle Twinkle
Forms… Rondo Form (ABACAD…) - A form where the 1st section, A comes back between new sections.
Other features… Homophony Texture where all parts move together in the same rhythm. Coda A passage at the end of a piece of music which finishes it off.
Other Features… Modulation A change of key. It can be higher or lower. Imitation To copy (imitate) a section of music. This can be between voices, instruments or both.
Other Features… Arpeggios When the notes of the chord are played separately Major When the music sounds bright Minor When the music sounds dark
Cadences Used at the end of phrases. Perfect Cadence – Chords V – I (creates a finalised sound) Imperfect Cadence – Chords I – V (creates an unfinished sound)
Summary Form & Structure were very important Orchestra developed Piano invented Dynamics important
Follow Up… Classic FM Guide: Classical Era