Captain William Kid “The legend of Captain William Kidd, a respected gentleman, an adoring father and a fierce pirate, has lived on since his death nearly 300 years ago. Kidd lived during the Golden Age of piracy, sailing far and wide as a privateer plundering the ships of enemies and allies alike. But the details of his life are wrapped up in myth and folklore. Was he forced into piracy by his mutinous crew? Or did the seduction of treasure encourage his greed, leading him to piracy?” Who was Captain William Kidd? There is some confusion over whether he was truly a ferocious pirate or was actually a loving and caring father who many considered to be a gentleman. How did William Kidd become a pirate? Did he chose to be a pirate or was he pushed into it against his will? Did he only care about getting richer or was he trying to save his own life?
Unusual Fact http://www. piratesinfo. com/biography/biography. php “One of the most well known Pirates of all times was Captain Kidd, who had originally been employed to rid the seas of pirates. Kidd was born around 1645 (the exact date is unknown). He found employment as an English Privateer who found such success in New York and the West Indies that he was called back to serve England. The King’s officers asked Kidd to captain a new powerful ship: the Adventure Galley. The Adventure Galley was equipped with 34 cannons and a crew of 80. Its mission was to capture all French ships, and the pirates of Madagascar. Kidd accepted the proposition.” Captain Kidd did not start out as a pirate. At first, he was hired by England to get rid of pirates, particularly the pirates of Madagascar. To do this, he was given the job of being the captain of a ship called The Adventure Galley. This extraordinary ship had 80 crew members. It also had 34 cannons to help the crew capture the pirates.
Capt. William Kidd Born – Scotland – 1655 Father – Presbyterian minister Died – May 23, 1701 – hanged Infamous Pirates pp. 32-33
Capt. William Kidd Most famous pirate Average not outstanding Infamous Pirates p. 32
How He Became a Pirate Captain of ship Blessed William West Indies 1691 Crew mutinied (Mutiny means “open rebellion against constituted authority,especially by seamen or soldiers against their officers.”) Crew left Kidd – island of Antigua Infamous Pirates p. 32
Works Cited Grubb , Kristin and Bettina Stelle . "Captain William Kidd." Sag Harbor Chamber of Commerce 2007 11 Dec. 2007 . Kozar, Richard. Infamous Pirates. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1999. Wilczyński , Krzysztof. "William Kidd." Pirates! Fact & Legend. 2007. 11 Dec 2007 <>.