Dr Pattni GP Registrar Church End Medical Centre Dementia Dr Pattni GP Registrar Church End Medical Centre
Did you know… The World Health Organization (WHO) : 47.5 million people in the world with dementia 7.7 million develop the condition each year By 2050 - 135.5 million people in the world with dementia That will be almost over 2 million in the UK
What is Dementia? Dementia is caused by damage to the brain over time. 4 common types of dementia: The most common type of dementia is Alzheimer's disease Not really known what causes this but we do know you get ‘plaques’ or ‘clumps’ that form in the brain affecting its function 2. Vascular Dementia This is caused by multiple mini-strokes to the brain, damaging the blood supply.
What is Dementia? 3. Dementia with Lewy Bodies Build up of clumps & proteins in the nerve cells in their brain known as Lewy bodies. This damages the way the nerve cells work and communicate with each other. 4. Frontotemporal This is where nerve cells in the brain die and the nerve pathways are damaged in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain.
What are the symptoms of Dementia? Memory problems People with dementia might have problems retaining new information. For example They might get lost in previously familiar places and may struggle with names. Relatives might notice the person seems increasingly forgetful, misplacing things regularly.
Memory Problems However, we all forget a name or face once in a while and this is nothing to worry about. If it happens on a frequent basis, it’s advisable to visit the GP who can check why this may be happening
What are the symptoms of Dementia? Cognitive ability i.e. processing information People with dementia may have difficulty with time and place - e.g. getting up in the middle of the night to go to work, even through they’re retired. Also their concentration could be affected e.g. There may be a difficulty when shopping with choosing the items and then paying for them.
Cognitive ability For some people with dementia the ability to reason and make decisions may also be affected. Some people with dementia get a sense of restlessness and prefer to keep moving than sit still Others may be reluctant to take part in activities they used to enjoy
What are the symptoms of Dementia? Communication People with dementia may repeat themselves often or have difficulty finding the right words. Reading and writing might become challenging. Changes in personality and behaviour, mood swings, anxiety and depression. Lose interest in seeing others socially. Following and engaging in conversation can be difficult and tiring - a formerly outgoing person might become quieter and more introverted.
What should we do? Dementia can be seen as a combination of one, or all of the above symptoms. If you or someone you know is experiencing one or more of these symptoms, which have been occurring for a while and are progressively getting worse, then please arrange a visit to the GP. This might involve asking more questions, performing an examination, taking blood tests, organising a scan and referring the patient to the Memory Clinic to be further investigated There are many other reasons someone might be experiencing confusion or memory problems, so it is best to get them checked out and treated if necessary.
Can we prevent dementia from happening? Dementia affects both men and women Women more likely to develop Alzheimer’s and men more likely to develop vascular dementia. We can’t rule out the risk of developing dementia entirely But we can develop a healthy lifestyle which reduces some of that risk.
Can we prevent dementia from happening? What’s good for the heart is good for the brain! Giving up smoking Healthy diet Regular exercise Reducing alcohol intake Keeping socially active Reducing cholesterol & lowering blood pressure
What support is available? 1. Health and social care assessment – carried out by Social Services This helps identify what help can be given by your local authority 2. Admiral Nurses These are registered nurses and experts in Dementia care They give practical, clinical and emotional support to families living with dementia to improve their quality of life and help them cope.
What support is available? Admiral Nurses work in the community, care homes, hospitals and hospices. Call Admiral Nursing Direct on 0800 888 6678 The helpline is open seven days a week from 9am to 5pm; also from 6pm to 9pm on Wednesday and Thursday. 3. Charities: Dementia UK, Alzheimer's Society & Carers Trust 4. Your GP
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