Sudden illness Chapter 5
DO NOW QUESTIONS List 4 different types of sudden Illnesses. List 5 different signs and symptoms of the sudden Illness examples.
Fainting A temporary loss of consciousness Insufficient supply of blood to the brain for a short period of time Blood vessels widen causing blood to drain away from the brain for a short period of time; usually not harmful but could be a sign of a serious condition.
Seizures When the normal functions of the brain are disrupted by injury, disease, fever, infection, metabolic disturbances or conditions causing a decreased oxygen level. Epilepsy: Chronic seizure condition that can be controlled by medication Febrile Seizures: Young children under 5 and infants at risk caused by a rapid increase of body temperature.
Uncontrolled muscular contractions Confusion Signs of Seizures Blank stare Uncontrolled muscular contractions Confusion Upward rolling of the eyes
CALL 9-1-1 for any seizure
stroke 3rd leading killer and leading cause of long-term disability in the United States. Called a brain attack when blood flow to a part of the brain is cut off or when there is bleeding into the brain. Stroke causes permanent brain damage, but sometimes the damage can be stopped or reversed. Blockages can be caused by blood clots or slow damages to the arteries over time by diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Mini stroke: Several smalls strokes, lasting up to 2 days
Risk Factors High Blood Pressure Diabetes Cigarette Smoking Diet
Think F-A-S-T American Red Cross Video Face: Weakness, numbness, or drooping on one side of the face. Ask the person to smile. Arm: Weakness or numbness in one arm. Ask the person to raise both arms. Speech: Slurred speech or difficulty speaking. Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Time: Try to determine when the signals began. Call 9-1-1 immediately with signs of stroke.
Diabetic emergencies 9.4% (30.3 million) of the United States have diabetes. 5 million are unaware that they have the disease. Diabetes: The inability of the body to change sugar (glucose) from food into energy that is regulated by insulin (hormone produced in the pancreas). Type I: Body produces little or no insulin. Insulin dependent . Type II: Most common type. The body makes insulin but not enough to meet the body’s needs or the body becomes resistant to the insulin produced.
Warning signs of diabetes Frequent urination Increased hunger and thirst Unexpected weight loss Irritability Weakness and fatigue
Hyperglycemia: Not enough insulin Hypoglycemia: Too much insulin Diabetic emergencies Hyperglycemia: Not enough insulin Hypoglycemia: Too much insulin
What to look for and what to do Changes in the level of consciousness Rapid breathing and pulse Feeling and looking ill Dizziness and headache Administrate form of sugar if person is conscious and able to swallow. Inject medication if person has it with them.