People Who Made a Difference Movers & Shakers People Who Made a Difference
Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion You are establishing a new settlement in an unsettled land. There is room on the ship for you and three others. After carefully reviewing the people, who would benefit you the most??? Would you take a writer who can write about the new land?? Would you take a singer who can entertain you??? Or, would you take a political figure to bring order to your new settlement??? To begin your quest click the task button!!! Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion
Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion You will research on famous people of the past and present. You need to gather information. You will have to choose three candidates who you will take with you to your new settlement. Once you have gathered this information you will use it to create a poster. Now click on the process button to begin your quest!!! Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion
Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Step One: You and a partner are members in the acceptance committee and you are trying to gather as much information as possible about each of the candidates. Fill in the profile sheet and send it to the forum. Introduction Step Two: You and a partner will use a concept map to brainstorm some characteristics that you would want your settlers to have. The concept map illustrated here is just an example, you will have to create your own. Example settlers characteristics Task Process Step Three: You are now judging the finalists based on the information that you have collected. You are to choose two candidates to take with you to the new settlement. Using the settlers' characteristics that you already brainstormed, fill in the Choices sheet . Send it to the forum. Resources Step Four: You have almost reached the end of your quest!!! Your task will be to assume the role of one of your favorites choices. You must pretend to be that person and submit an application as to why you feel that you should be the one to go. Send it to the forum Evaluation Conclusion Step Five: You are now an artist who has to pull the information that you have gathered about your two choices and illustrate it on a poster. Your poster can be made into a newspaper article, a wanted poster, a collage, or any other ideas that you may have.
Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Encyclopedia Britannica Introduction Encyclopedia for kids- Yahoo Task Encyclopedia. com Process Encyclopedia of World Biography Wikipedia Resources Evaluation If you didn’t find any information in the suggested links , you could use any other source Conclusion
Evaluation Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion Open the attached file Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion
Well, you have finally reached the end of your quest Well, you have finally reached the end of your quest. We hope that you will have a wonderful time creating your new settlement. Be sure to remember to write home and tell us all about your experiences with your new found friends. Send the letter to the forum. Introduction Task Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion
settlers characteristics חזור