Chapter 3 Notes U.S. History Coach Hughes
Early Settlements # Spain had control of the seas due its strong naval armada. England and Spain went to war, half of Spain’s armada was destroyed at sea in a storm. This along with England’s victory opened the waterways to the English. Sir Walter Raleigh was sent by Queen Elizabeth to find a place suitable for a settlement. # Raleigh sent about 100 men to settle at Roanoke Island but this attempt was unsuccessful.
Continued # He later tried again and sent another group under the leadership of John White. White sailed back to England for supplies but was unable to return for 3 years due to the war. When White returned there was no sign of the settlers only a fence post marked Croatoan. # This event Scared people away from trying to establish a new colony for a while. Several groups of merchants began to seek Charters-the right to organize settlements in an area, from King James I.
Jamestown Settlement # The Virginia company received a charter to set up a colony in the area commonly called Virginia. They were a joint-stock company-Investors bought stock, or part ownership, in the company in return for its future profits. # 144 settlers were sent to Jamestown to make a colony there. Jamestown was not a very good location due to swampy land, disease filled mosquitoes, and poor farmland.
Jamestown Settlement Continued # The settlers didn’t do well due to pressure to find riches the Virginia company was pressing them toward. Only 38 of the settlers survived the first few months of arrival. Captain John Smith, a soldier and explorer, was sent to Jamestown to lead the colonists, He forced them to work. John Rolfe-learned how to grow a less bitter tobacco that became popular in England. Rolfe married Pocahontas a daughter of the chief of the Powhatan Tribe.
Note Questions Describe the duties of the House of Burgesses in the Jamestown colony. ____________________________________ Explain what men would have to give in order to receive a woman when they arrived in the Jamestown colony in 1619. _________________ Describe the reason the first Africans were brought to the colonies and state their duties.___________________________________________________________________
Notes/Questions Plymouth, New England would become the next location where a colony would be established. 4) Explain what the next wave of settlers were in hopes of gaining in the new settlement.____________________________ Dissented-to disagree with the beliefs or practices of a religious group. Persecuted-To be treated harshly because of your beliefs. Puritans-Protestants that wanted to reform the Anglican church. Separatists-Those that wanted to leave and found their own churches with different beliefs.
Notes/Questions 5) Explain what the separatists considered themselves as and what this title stood for. ________________________________________________________________________ 6) Summarize the Mayflower Compact._________________________________________________________________ 7) Explain how the Native Americans helped the new colonists at Plymouth. ____________________________________ 8) Describe what event this led to.(We still celebrate this every year in November)_____________________________________________________________________________