Wisdom Teeth Removal: What You Need to Know Before, During and After the Procedure Wisdom teeth removal should only be entrusted to a professional oral surgeon. The procedure is not the usual teeth extraction you know. Hence, it is necessary that you know everything you expect before, during and after the procedure. Before Wisdom Teeth Removal First, you need to personally speak with your oral surgeon and talk to him or her about the entire process during the appointment: ●Discuss any health issues you have ●Let the surgeon know about drugs you take recently or on a regular or usual basis (vitamins, supplements and the like) ●List down all questions you have about wisdom teeth removal and make sure to get clear response ●Discuss the type of anaesthesia you prefer; you can choose to either be asleep during the procedure or just numb ●Finalise the schedule of the wisdom teeth removal ●It is recommended that you schedule time off from school or work to have the surgery healed and rested. It is best that you arrange pet care, child care and a ride home During Wisdom Teeth Removal The wisdom teeth removal usually takes 45 minutes or sometimes faster The type of anaesthesia you might get may be any of the following: ●Local The surgeon will numb your entire mouth with a shot of anaesthesia in your gums. Breathing laughing gas or nitrous oxide can also be used as an option to relax or doze you off while on surgery. Alertness can be achieved just in a brief time. ●IV sedation This option will make your mouth numb and gives you a drug through a vein into your arm to put you in a drowsy state. You might feel sleepy or sleep entirely during the entire procedure. ●General You will either be asked to breathe gas through a mask or get drugs through your vein. You will be sleeping the entire wisdom teeth removal and will wake up probably after an hour or right after the surgery
The surgeon may need to cut your bone or gums to get the teeth out. If this is the case, he or she will stitch the wounds so it will heal faster. The stitches will dissolve or melt after a few days. The surgeon may use gauze pads in the mouth to absorb some of your blood. After Wisdom Teeth Removal The response of anaesthesia differs to everyone. Some can drive home right after the wisdom teeth removal, but some cannot. It is best advised that you ask someone else to drive you home and start your recovery. Some may have little pain; others may experience no pain after the wisdom teeth removal. You might have mild discomfort and swelling for two days or so and needs weeks to recover completely. Make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions on the medications you should take and things you can and cannot do that may impact your recovery. Article Source: before-during-and-after-the-procedure/ before-during-and-after-the-procedure/